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The scientific journal "Bulletin of Cherkasy University. The series "Economic sciences" is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in the field of economic sciences (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 15, 2014, No. 455).

The journal is indexed in "Index Copernicus" (with high ICV citation index 2018: 83,47); CiteFactor, covering only those academic and academic journals that use the appropriate quality control system for publications; Google Scholar.

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To participate in the formation of a scientific journal it is necessary to submit:

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4. Payment details will be sent to the authors after the paper has been accepted for publication. The cost of publishing a scientific article (up to 12 pages) in Ukrainian - 600 UAH.



Surname, name and patronymic


Degree, academic rank, position, place of work


Postal address for correspondence (Zip code !!!)


Department of “Nova Poshta”




Phone number


Title of the article


Number of copies of the journal



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Editorial board of the scientific journal "Bulletin of Cherkasy university. Series "Economic Sciences".


Structure of the article

1. The UDC index (on the left, in capital letters, the font - bold).

2. The author (alignment on the right margin, indicate full name, first name, patronymic of the author, font - bold).

3. Information about the author (authors) (on the right margin in the nominal case, information about the degree and rank of academic degree (without abbreviations), position and place of work of the author (completely without abbreviations), e-mail address (to be specified in the article)).

4. The title of the article (centered, uppercase, font - 12, up to ten words).

5. Summary (in Ukrainian language - up to 50 words with the predominant use of impersonal constructions "justified, proposed, revealed, determined" etc., in italics from the paragraph)

6. Keywords (in the language of the article in italics from the paragraph, not less than eight words or phrases, with the separation of each other from each other with a semicolon). Keywords should not repeat the title of the article.

7. The main text of the article should be with the allocation of the relevant elements in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine (Decree No. 7-05 / 1 of 15.01.03):

Statement of the issue and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks.

The analysis of recent researches and publications, which initiated the solutions for this issue on which the author relies (with references in the text on the sources used).

The identification of previously unsettled parts of the general issue, which is devoted to the article, the relevance of the issue.

The purpose and objectives of the article.

The overview of the main research material with the indication of the methods and the full substantiation of the scientific results obtained.

Conclusions and perspectives of further exploration in this direction.

8. The list of used literature is given after the text of the article:

8.1. Under the heading "List of used literature" (for English-language articles: References (in original language), these are sources in the original language, drawn up in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliographic description (key 14, in 1 interval, in the original language). Bibliographic description of literary sources is made according to DSTU 8302: 2015 "Bibliographic link: general terms and conditions of preparation") http://library.nlu.edu.ua/Biblioteka/sait/nauka/gost/spisok-DSTU.pdf ).

8.2. Under the heading "References" - the same sources, but in English, are executed according to the international bibliographic standard (APA standard) [http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm]. The names of periodical Ukrainian and Russian-language editions (journals, collections, etc.) are translated into transliteration (see the rules of Ukrainian transliteration: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/55-2010-%D0%BF ), and in brackets - in English. For example: Ekonomicnij Casopis-XXI (Economic Annals-XXI). The names of the sources (not less than 10) in the list of references are placed in the order of mention in the text (not in alphabetical order). Reference to textbooks, tutorials, and journalistic articles is inappropriate. An example of drawing up the list of used literature is attached.

9. Last name, first name, patronymic of the author in English (alignment - left)

10. Position and place of work in English

11. The title of the article in English (alignment - in the middle)

12. Written summary (structured abstract) in English is not less than 250 words or 1 page at intervals of 1 pt. The requirements for the author's resume are contained below.

Foreign partners and international databases put forward very high requirements for writing summaries (Abstract) not only in Ukrainian journals, but also in foreign publications. From the summary to the article should be understood its essence, relevance and scientific novelty. The informational openness of the annotation will make it easier for many authors to include their articles in the index-database and increase the author's citations.

Author’s summary (Abstract) is a brief summary of the volume of work of a scientific nature. The author's summary may be published independently, in isolation from the main text, and therefore should be understood without reference to the publication itself.

The author's summary of the article is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal, as well as in search engines.

The author’s summary in English (Abstract) is placed in the English-language block of information on an article downloaded in the English version of the journal site and is being prepared for foreign abstract databases and analytical systems (citation indices).

The author's summary in Ukrainian (Russian) is the basis for preparing the author's summary in English, but the English summary should be larger in scope and not repeat the Ukrainian annotation. Abstract - This is actually a brief summary of the article in English, its referencing.

Structure and content of the author's summary (at least 250 words or 1 page at intervals of 1 pt)

Name, surname, patronymic.

Title of the article

- Issue

- Purpose

- Research Methods

- Main results of the study

- Scientific novelty of the research results

- Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author

It is expedient to describe the methodology only if it contains novelty and is of interest in terms of the submitted article.

The results of the work must be described accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, revealed interconnections and regularities are given. It gives preference to new results and long-term data, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance.

The conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, and hypotheses described in the article. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the author's resume. It is worth avoiding unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, "the author of the article considers ..."). Historical references, if they do not constitute the main content of the document, the description of previously published works and well-known provisions in the author's resume are not given.

In the text of the author's resume it is necessary to use syntactic constructions, the language of scientific documents, to avoid complicated grammatical constructions. The text of the author's summary should use the keywords from the text of the article. The text of the author's resume must be concise and clear, free of secondary information, extra introductory words, general and minor language. Abbreviations and conditional marks, except for commonly used, are used in exceptional cases.

The author’s summary (Abstract) should be written in high quality English. If the author is not able to prepare the Abstract, which meets the requirements stated above, he may apply to the editor who will do this work for a fee.


Articles containing summaries are incorrect and (or) poorly translated, cannot be published.


During writing the summary, the following provisions should be taken into account:

- the subject, the purpose of the research is indicated in case that they are not understood from the title of the article;

- the results of work should be described accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, revealed interconnections and regularities are given. It prefers new results and long-term data, important discoveries, conclusions refuting the existing theory, as well as data that, in the author's opinion, are of practical importance;

- conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, proposals, hypotheses described in the article;

- the information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the annotation text;

- Avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (for example, "the author of the article is considering ..."). Historical references, the description of previously published works and well-known provisions in the author's resume are not given;

- in the annotation text it is necessary to use syntactic constructions inherent in the language of scientific and technical documents, to avoid complicated grammatical formations;

- abbreviations and conditional marks, except for commonly used, are used in exceptional cases.


13. Key words in English.


Technical requirements for the design of the article:

• Page format - A 4.

• The text does not allow blank lines, hyphens, pseudo-graphs, and other non-text characters.

• The volume of the article - from 6 to 15 printed pages.

• The bottom and top margins are 20 mm, the left side is 25 mm, the right is 15 mm.

• Font - Times New Roman (12), line spacing - 1.0.

Paragraph indent - 1 sm.

• The number of table material and illustrations should be relevant. The digital material is presented in a table having a serial number and a name (the word "table" and its serial number are aligned on the right edge; the title is printed in a row below the middle of the table in bold). Illustrations should also be numbered and they should have the names indicated by each illustration (for example, Figure 2. Classification of types of capital).

• Formulas are executed using the built-in MS Equation formula editor in italics and numbered on the right side.

• Figures executed in MS Word must be grouped; they should be the only graphic object. Do not use a dark background and fine print for figures.

• Tables, figures are printed by the built-in Microsoft Word editor and placed in the middle.

• When typing, turn off automatic "soft" transfer (forbidden "forced" transfers - using a hyphen). Abstracts only use the "Enter" key, do not apply spaces or tabs (“Tab” key).

• References to the literature in the text should be given in square brackets, for example, [3, p. 35; 8, p. 56-59] in which the first digit indicates the serial number of the source in the literature list, and the second - the corresponding page in this source; one source (with a page) is separated from another by semicolon.

• All statistics should be backed up by references to sources.

• All citations should end with references to sources.

• If you refer to the scientist's name in the literature review or further in the text - his publication should be in the general literature list after the article.

• The abbreviation of words and phrases other than the generally accepted ones is not allowed.



UDC 338.439:637.07

Kyryliuk Iryna


BohdanKhmelnytskyNationalUniversityof Cherkasy,


ORCID: 0000-0000-0000





Introduction. Today one of the main problems in filling domestic agricultural market in Ukraine is a slight volume that domestic livestock producers offer because of reducing animals number and a significant reduction in the volume of milk and meat production. While meat and dairy products are the main source of complete protein, it is essential for the normal functioning of the human body. Its deficiency leads to metabolic disorders, the development of many diseases and reducing population life expectancy.

Purpose. The research aims at studying the ways of increasing domestic livestock production offers and improving its quality in modern conditions.

Results. The study substantiates proposals in increasing domestic production of livestock and improving its quality. Unsatisfactory proportion of intersectoral exchange at livestock products market in Ukraine was detected. It was also proved chaotic pricing in the domestic agricultural market. The article proposes specific ways of improving the state support mechanisms to livestock development in Ukraine. The feasibility of a return to widespread until 2011 indirect support to domestic producers of milk and meat in the form of special VAT regimes is specified. Proposed settings of milk production structure change in Ukraine both by quality parameters and by business entities. Proved the necessity of providing subsidies to agricultural enterprises (and their proportions are calculated) for technological projects support in technological upgrading of dairy farms and complexes, as well as developing dairy complex construction projects and conduct relevant tenders.

Originality.   Developed the state mechanism of livestock support in Ukraine, which, unlike the existing ones, provides the following: 1) filling the state intervention fund with livestock processing products - objects of state price regulation (meat and offal of slaughtered animals and poultry, milk powder , butter) that is connected to the seasonal fall in prices of agricultural raw materials and relevant reaching a certain minimum level; 2) the minimum price of agricultural raw materials, that are made-products - objects of state price regulation established taking into account the industry average regulatory costs of their production, the minimum level of profitability of at least 10 percent (including households); 3) minimum prices of raw materials are calculated based on science-based agricultural share in the price of the final product - the object of state price regulation; 4) operations of filling the state intervention fund with objects of state price regulation - products of agricultural raw materials involved only processors that purchase agricultural raw materials for processing at a price not lower than the officially established minimum price.

Conclusion. Applied now in Ukraine methods of livestock production support and improving its quality is insufficient and ineffective, do not provide equivalent cross-industry exchange. A unified approach to coordination and regulation of all entities (including holdings), hopes only on market mechanisms lead to price discrimination of weak links - non-monopolists (that farms are in most cases), which greatly reduces the possibility of livestock production. Now we ought to solve urgent task of livestock production transition to the innovative type of development, which primarily involves the effective institutional framework establishment aimed not only at the strict quality control, but also to stimulate the modernization of production, and introduction of environment friendly technologies to produce safe products.


Keywords: livestock products; the agricultural market; price discrimination; the structure of retail price; interdisciplinary exchange; indirect state support; intervention buying; State intervention fund; milk quality; traditional production technology; quality management system  of dairy products.


Постановка проблеми. Нині одна з головних проблем наповнення внутрішнього аграрного ринку в Україні – незначні обсяги пропозиції вітчизняної тваринницької продукції через скрутне становище у тваринництві, що виявляється у зменшенні поголів’я тварин, значному зниженні обсягів виробництва молока та м’яса. При цьому м’ясні та молочні продукти є основним джерелом повноцінного білка, вкрай необхідного для нормального функціонування організму людини. Його дефіцит призводить до порушення обміну речовин, розвитку багатьох захворювань і скорочення тривалості життя населення.

Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій та виокремлення частини нерозв’язаної раніше проблеми. Розв’язанню проблеми нарощування пропозиції вітчизняної тваринницької продукції та підвищення її якості присвячені праці відомих вітчизняних дослідників, зокрема В. Бойка, В. Власова, О. Гойчук, Я. Жаліла, М. Калінчика, О. Ковальової, Л. Молдован, Т. Осташко, Б. Пасхавера, П. Саблука, О. Шпичака, О. Шубравської, В. Юрчишина та ін. Проте, незважаючи на значні досягнення попередників, низка питань теоретико-методологічного та практичного характеру потребують детальнішого висвітлення і подальших наукових розвідок. Існує необхідність поглиблених досліджень впливу сучасних інструментів стимулювання пропозиції тваринницької продукції та підвищення її якості на реалізацію економічних інтересів різних суб’єктів аграрного ринку. Адже негативні наслідки непослідовності державних рішень у галузі тваринництва в умовах падіння світових цін на продукцію з низькою часткою доданої вартості мають вагомий вплив на параметри розвитку сільськогосподарського виробництва та параметри споживання продовольства в Україні.

Метою статті є обґрунтування шляхів нарощування пропозиції вітчизняної тваринницької продукції та підвищення її якості в сучасних умовах.

Викладення основного матеріалу. Сучасні ринок тваринницької продукції характеризується ціновою дискримінацією сільськогосподарських товаровиробників з боку переробних підприємств, підприємств сфери заготівлі та зберігання продукції, різного роду посередницьких структур, а також неконтрольованим зростанням торговельних надбавок та націнок в оптовому ланцюгу товаропросування та в роздрібній мережі. За дослідженнями вчених ННЦ «Інституту аграрної економіки» НААНУ структура роздрібної ціни на молоко сьогодні має такий вигляд: частка виробника 23,5%; частка переробки 52%; частка торгівлі – 24,5%. Хоча у розвинених країнах таке співвідношення має іншу структуру: 50% (сировина) – 25% (переробка) – 25% (торгівля) [1, с. 41]. …

Висновки та перспективи подальших розвідок. …


Список використаної літератури


Cписок літератури має складатися із двох блоків (ця вимога діє і для англомовних статей):

  1. 1.              Cписок використаної літератури (для англомовних статей: References (in language original). Це джерела мовою оригіналу, оформлені відповідно до українського стандарту бібліографічного опису (ДСТУ 8302:2015 «Бібліографічне посилання. Загальні положення та правила складання») http://library.nlu.edu.ua/Biblioteka/sait/nauka/gost/spisok-DSTU.pdf;
  2. 2.              References — ті самі джерела, але англійською мовою, оформлені за міжнародним бібліографічним стандартом APA-2010 [http://library.nmu.edu/guides/userguides/style_apa.htm]. Назви періодичних україно- та російськомовних видань (журналів, збірників та ін.) подаються транслітерацією (див. правила української транслітерації:http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/55-2010-%D0%BF), а в дужках — англійською мовою. Наприклад: Ekonomicnij Casopis-XXI (Economic Annals-XXI). Назви джерел у списку літератури розміщуються в порядку згадування в тексті (не за абеткою). Посилатися на підручники, навчальні посібники, публіцистичні статті недоцільно. Приклад оформлення списку використаної літератури додається.




  1. Stiglitz, J. E., & Sappington, D. E. (1987). Privatization, information and incentives (Working Paper No 2196). Cambridge, MA 02138: National Bureau of Economic Research.  . Retrieved from http://www.nber.org/papers/w2196.pdf?new_window=1
  2. Coase, R. H. (1991). The Firm, the Market and the Law. New-York: Teletext (in Russ.)
  3. Bashnianyn, H. I., & Goncharuk, L. Ya. (2010). Efficiency of economic system’s socialization: methodological problems of metrological analysis. L’viv: Novyj Svit-2000 (in Ukr.)
  4. Karrnauk, B.P. (2016). Interpretation of the contract: a brief essay on supranational and transnational points of view. Problems of legality, 135, 39-51. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.135.83852
  5. Filipenko, A. (2005). Post orange transformation of economic policy of Ukraine. Ekonomicnij Casopis-XXI (Economic Annals-XXI), 3-4, 3-7 (in Ukr.)
  6. The State Property Fund of Ukraine (2000-2012). Reports about work of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, affairs and results of fulfilment of the Government program of privatizing in 2000-2012. Retrieved from http://www.spfu.gov.ua/_layouts/SPFUSiteDefinition/ReportsMFI.aspx (in Ukr.)
  7. Statistical Annual of Ukraine for 2011 (2012). In O. G. Osaulenko (Ed.). Kyiv: August Trade (in Ukr.).
  8. Heiets, V. M., Jefymenko, T. I., Libanova, E. M. et al. (2011). In M. Ya. Azarov (Ed.). The State budget and budget Strategy 2012-2014: stabilization and sustainable development under reformation of Ukrainian economy. Kyiv: Academy of Financial Management (in Ukr.)
  9. Arkhiereev, S. I., Malyi, I. I. et al. (2008). In A. A. Hritsenko (Ed.). The institutional architectonic and dynamics of economic transformation. Kharkiv: Fort (in Russ.)
  10. Varnalii, Z., & Mazur, I. (2007). The basic pre-conditions and ways of corporate raid overcoming in Ukraine. Kyiv: The National Institute for Strategic Studies. Retrieved from http://old.niss.gov.ua/Monitor/juli/1.htm (in Ukr.).
  11. Bila, S. O., Zhalilo, Ya. A. et al. (2008). Ukrainian privatization. In V. Vorotin (Ed.). Kyiv: NISS (in Ukr.)
  12. The State Property Fund of Ukraine (2012). About State Program of Privatization (Law of Ukraine). Retrieved from http://www.spfu.gov.ua/_layouts/SPFUSiteDefinition/RegulationsDetails.aspx?ID=2176 (in Ukr.)