Main Article Content
Introduction: One of the problems of development of agrarian production in Ukraine is the lack of state support. Agricultural potential of Ukraine can become the basis for establishing the special role of the national economy in the modern world economic system. In most developed countries and in countries with economies in transition, the processes of state regulation of economy the agrarian sector is closely linked with the government support of agricultural commodity producers of all forms of ownership. State support is carried out in various directions, but always has a national character.
In addition, the budget funds are allocated in insufficient quantities, they arrive at places irregular, untimely, incompletely. Allocations for capital investment, often provided without carrying out of competitions and are without value. The situation is similar with state operations funding in the food market organization and market infrastructure of the agricultural sector.
Purpose: determination of efficiency of agrarian sector of economy at the expense of public funding.
Methods of scientific knowledge: a systemic-structural and abstract-logical – the study of the economic essence of public funding, analysis and synthesis.
Results: in the world practice one of the most important instruments of state regulation is considered fiscal policy of the state provides for the redistribution of national income to meet priorities of the agricultural sector.
The direct budgetary support for agriculture includes: subsidies on agricultural production and material and technical resources; subsidizing short-term and investment crediting of the enterprises and organizations of the agroindustrial complex; subsidies for partial reimbursement of costs of commodity producers on insurance of a crop of agricultural crops; subsidies on the cost of capital, leasing and so on.
Originality: ways of development of agroindustrial sector of Ukraine provide for a balanced and interrelated structural adjustment of all its branches, the maximum introduction in the production of the most important achievements of scientific-technical progress and international experience, the most progressive forms of economy and organization of production based on the priority of solving actual problems.
Conclusion: State financial support of agriculture allocates funds from the state budget for the implementation of activities on the settlement and stabilization of functioning of agricultural enterprises.
In my opinion, to ensure the stable system of state support for the agricultural sector should:
- implementation of a medium term budget planning;
- introduction of targeted support on a reimbursable basis, with the condition responsible for the formation of trust is the result of the owners;
- go to orders primarily of compensation orders instead of payments on a declarative principle;
- priority financing of innovative-investment projects on a public-private partnership.
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