Main Article Content
Introduction. There is no doubt that the scientists use the term definition that comply with the aims of their research. However a large number of scientific approaches to the definition of enterprise economic security does not contribute to a better understanding of the essence of this concept - on the contrary, attention of the scientific community has not been focused that, in particular, does not promote a detailed study of the economic security phenomenon in a practical sense. Therefore, in the current economic conditions it is required to provide summarizing research aimed at a comprehensive study of modern concepts and theories of experts in the field of economic security.
Purpose. The research aims at systematization of modern approaches in studying the concept of enterprise economic security and formation of author's approach to further research of this scientific category.
Methods. Monographic method, theoretical generalization, systematization, organizing, graphical method, synthesis and analysis are used to determine the main approaches of researching enterprise economic security in Ukrainian publications.
Results. The essence of enterprises’ economic security in the context of current researches is revealed. Classification of scientific approaches, the peculiarities of their use in theoretical research and economic practice are shown. It is emphasized that the large number of approaches to the definition of “economic security” does not contribute to a better understanding of the essence of the concept - on the contrary, attention of the scientific community is sprayed that, in particular, does not promote a detailed study of the economic security phenomenon in practical sense.
Originality. Author's approach to the definition of the term has been formed, namely: the essence of economic security has a three-pronged content - status of protection against threats, management discipline and interdisciplinary science, which find practical application in the management activities of business entity.
Conclusion. In consequence of systematized approaches to determining the enterprise economic security it is possible to conduct more detailed critical analysis. That promotes deeper study of essence of the concept, its better understanding, also further improves the theoretical basis, methodology of analysis and application system in the general system of enterprise management. This paper will form the basis for future development of applications in the field of economic security assessment and analysis of its efficiency. The author’s vision of term emphasizes the diversity of definition, multidimensional character of enterprise economic security as a complex economic category and the importance of its management in the current economic conditions.
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