
M. I. Kopytko


Introduction: The number of hostile takeovers in Ukraine increases every year. Because of spreading of raiding, the economy of Ukraine loses 19.5–64.2 bn. UAH annually. Consequently, the raiding is still one of the dominant threats to the national economy and economic entities. The consequences of raiding is rooting principles of unfair competition, violation of freedom of entrepreneurship, leveling private property institutions, promotion bribery within law enforcement bodies, courts, government agencies and others.

Purpose. Explore and determine features of raiding problem in Ukraine.

Methods: The analysis and theoretical generalization.

Results: The problem of the spread of raiding in Ukraine. Analyzed anti-raiding legislation for years 2015-2016 and its impact on the scope of unlawful seizure of property.

Originality: The fact of non-compliance of the current legislation in order to counter raiding in Ukraine and recommendations to protect business-owners.

Conclusions: The examined legislative developments in combating raiding taken in Ukraine during 2015-2016, found gaps that impede the effective fight against illegal change of business-owners. Determined factors that draw attention of the raiders to enterprises and provide recommendations for protecting businesses from unlawful seizure.




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