Main Article Content
Introduction. Construction of a mechanism for providing economic safety of hotel and restaurant business and its further improvement is a prerequisite for the cost-effective, competitive and stable operation of these enterprises. Research and analysis of modern approaches to neutrale threats to economic security will reveal deficiencies in the establishment of systems of economic safety of hotels and restaurants in Ukraine, as well as to develop recommendations for effective management actions of business entities.
Purpose is to analyse conceptual approaches to improving the mechanism of providing economic security and developing recommendations for the subjects of hotel and restaurant business.
Methods of scientific research and analysis are used.
Results. Effective functioning of the mechanism of neutralization of threats to enterprises of hotel and restaurant business is possible provided if all participants in this process (employees, units, services) are interacting, each of which must clearly know what work is to be performed. The efforts of all participants have been clearly coordinated, since the end result and the achievement of the goal depend on it.
Originality. The article examines the mechanism of neutralization of threats to economic security of hotel and restaurant business. The author focuses on the development of conceptual approaches to improve the mechanism of neutralization of threats to economic security. As this issue is not sufficiently studied by domestic scientists, it is important to improve the further study of economic security necessary to provide, in this context, proposals and recommendations to Ukrainian hotel and restaurant enterprises.
Conclusion. The study of conceptual approaches makes it possible to conclude that the improvement of the mechanism of neutralization of threats to the economic security of hotel and restaurant business entities is impossible without in-depth study of the mechanism itself and its stages. Further study will reveal shortcomings and deductions in the process of organizing a system of economic security. It should also be noted that this analysis should take into account European and international experience, since at present Ukrainian enterprises are not fully aware of the issue of providing economic security and therefore they can not achieve the most positive result from their activities.Article Details
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