Main Article Content
Introduction. Socio-economic aspects of development requires special care. First, the essence of the category “development” is the most versatile in the field. Secondly, the socio-economic development is the essence of the most controversial in the scientific world. Third, the essence of social and economic development is constantly changing, there are new kinds of it, and the factors shaping features. These aspects determine the need for further research of socio-economic essence and type of the new economic conditions.
Purpose. The research aims at development of scientific and conceptual approaches to identify the social and economic nature of the category of “development”, improving approach to the classification of development.
Results. Socio-economic development is a positive ascending movement, which involves changes in the structure of the object and its improvement. It proved that the development of current broadest sense is irreversible, signifies our strong, natural process of changing the state to move forward beyond the shell object in all its areas, the impetus for which there is a synergistic effect interaction of all elements of the system (of the object) under advanced factors of expanded reproduction and recovery, and includes growth and transformation elements of the object. The approaches for improving the classification of development have been suggested.
Originality. Scientific and conceptual approaches to identify the nature of the category of “development” and its socio-economic base were further developed in the article. Author’s definition of this category has been proposed. Classification of development, which based on a synthesis of existing research approaches, has been suggested. The basis of the concept is ascending character of development. Specifically, the following features offered: the nature of the change; factor for the change; the object; impact on the environment; the type of trend; depending on the role of the subject; for the purpose; depending on the complexity of the change; by functional areas; complexity for change; depending on corporate strategy.
Conclusion. Сategory “development” is the dominant in socio-economic environment. Its essence and types changing constantly and acquires new features in the context of globalization. Basis of development is positive vector, the transition from the current state to another (better). The necessity of cutting off these kinds of as regressive, negative arising from such limitations. The results of development can be both positive and negative. Prospects for further research in this direction is to substantiate the impact of globalization on socio-economic development.
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