Main Article Content
Abstract. Foreign experience of the innovative development of economies of the leading countries of the world was researched. Existing international models of building the innovation type economy were considered. The ways of activating innovation activity in different countries of the world were analyzed. It was suggested to supplement the classification of innovation models of economic development by the model of innovation development of the economy of the Council of Cooperation of the Arab States of the Gulf. The recommendations for measures to intensify the innovative development of the Ukrainian economy based on the world experience are presented. The unitary model of innovative economic development was developed.
Purpose. The goal of the article is to study the international experience of the innovative economic development and the creation of the Ukrainian model taking into account foreign experience.
Results. We believe that all countries use the unitary model of innovative development, although, each country uses it on its own.
Originality. We consider it expedient to study and combine the methods of financial stimulation of innovation activity for further use in the Ukrainian practice in order to stimulate innovation processes.
Conclusion. The analysis of foreign experience confirms that the countries that are properly developing their science, and in which the innovative development is skillfully transformed into finished goods, are competitive. In developing the Ukrainian strategy for innovation development, consideration should be given to the need for time constraint to achieve each goal, which is defined from the point of view of short- and long-term perspectives.
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