Building foundations of modern mechanism of financial institutions economic security management system
Main Article Content
The necessity of the mechanism of economic security system management of financial institutions development is grounded. There are revealed the following features of the formation and operation of modern systems of economic security of domestic financial institutions as a complex block structure, complexity, individuality, dependence on external guidance and instructions, that perform a wide range of different tasks, whose number grows in proportion to the number of internal and external dangers and threats to the institution, proving the need to manage such a system and its elements and feasibility for the development of a separate administrative mechanism within the overall management system of the financial institution. The author offered the definition of the mechanism of economic security system management in common and for the financial institution in particular. Under the mechanism of economic security system management it is offered to understand the process of applying the totality of methods and procedures to optimize the protection of the elements of the entity to achieve its highest level of economic security. Under the mechanism of economic security system management of the financial institution it is offered to understand the complex process of management procedures using its corporate resources, both their own and borrowed in order to achieve high financial results in the optimum state of protection from external and internal dangers and threats. The main elements of the mechanism of economic security system management and bases of its construction is offered.
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