Main Article Content
Introduction. . Economic and environmental issues in the context of globalization, active integration and enlargement of the scale enterprises in all economic sectors, is particularly relevant for understanding the limited natural resources and rapid reduction of assimilative capacity of the environment.
Purpose. The main purpose of this article is to study the peculiarities of ensuring the economic and ecological safety of the regions of Ukraine.
Methods. The methodological basis of the study is a set of methods of cognition: generalization, cross-comparisons, historical-logical and retrospective methods, factor analysis, statistical methods: mass observation.
Results. In the article the features of providing of economic-ecological safety of regions of Ukraine are investigated. Theoretical approaches to definition of concepts "economic safety" and "ecological safety" are given; the author's definition of the definition "economic-ecological safety" is proposed; defined and analyzed the main objectives of economic-ecological safety; the place of Ukraine in the world rankings of the world in terms of environmental efficiency in 2018; principles of economic and ecological safety of the region; defined participants who must implement and control the implementation of tasks of economic and environmental security; the directions of development of economic-ecological safety are offered.
Originality. The question of substantiating the peculiarities of economic and ecological safety in the regions of Ukraine remains relevant in connection with the development of markets, economics, use of resources and management peculiarities..
Conclusion. Priority features of the economic and ecological safety of the region, which consist in forming a positive image of the region in the conditions of increased intensity of economic development, markets and growth of production volumes by enterprises of all sectors and fields of activity, should take into account: structural environmental-oriented restructuring; change of investment policy taking into account environmental priorities; transition to resource conservation policy; formation of ecological ethics and culture of society.
All these features in one way or another affect the development of the region. An important role in shaping the economic and ecological security of the region is played by the levers of the economic mechanism. The transition of the economy to the ecological principles should be carried out in conditions of changing the legislative field in order to promote the ecologization of the economyArticle Details
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