Ways to improve the technological readiness of Poland enterprises

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Yu. Vrubel
J. Pleskach


Technological progress plays an important role in the EU integration processes, this is also reflected in the ability to create and adopt modern technologies by individual states. This significantly accelerates all processes of the modern business and further promotes European integration. Adaptation of the modern technologies depends on many factors, including the level of technological development of a state. Technological development increases with the development of industrial parks that are important centers for business support and innovation processes, as well as contribute to the development of new forms of activities in form of clusters. Integration processes depend on the innovative technologies and their international transfers. International transfer of technologies depends on the technological development and the electronic exchange of information possibilities.

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Author Biographies

Yu. Vrubel, Академія національної оборони, м. Варшава

доктор економічних наук, ад’юнкт

J. Pleskach, Академія національної оборони, м. Варшава

кандидат економічних наук, ад’юнкт


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