Main Article Content
Introduction. The issue of knowledge essence determination with their properties and have the influence upon the regional processes of progressive development is urgent in modern conditions. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to establish the properties of knowledge that are useful in the processes of economic progress, and to systematize the factors influencing the knowledge development of regions.
Purpose. The aim of the study is to identify the properties of knowledge that are useful in the processes of economic progress, and the systematization of factors that affect the knowledge development of the regions.
Methods. To determine the properties of knowledge as for the opportunity of establishing factors that influence the knowledge economy formation on a certain territory the study uses methods of generalization, observation and logic.
Results. As a result of the study the existing approaches to the understanding of essential characteristics of "knowledge" category are summarized allowing their basic properties’ distinguishing. The main factors are established that influence the knowledge formation on the regional level. Factors are gathered in nine similar groups: natural, historical-political, socio-demographic, infrastructural, professional-qualification, socio-economic and financial, scientific-innovational, production-entrepreneurial and managerial. The influence of any of the abovementioned factor groups is to contribute in the knowledge development of a region.
Originality. The notion definition of the knowledge development for a certain territory (region) is offered that should be understood as the process of progressive changes in its socio-economic state, and the improvement of its population’s living standards being the result of the increment of intellectual, innovative and human capital based on the activation of tools for creation, application and dissemination of knowledge that favor the knowledge economy formation and provide its various forms manifestation in a certain territory.
Conclusion. Due to the research conducted the content of each characteristic of knowledge got specified on the ground of their properties establishment in economic and managerial context. The factors are determined that are conductive to the knowledge economy formation on the regional level. The essence of the "knowledge development of the region" notion is specified.
Article Details
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