Main Article Content
Introduction In modern scientific literature, a considerable number of works have been published, which cover a variety of problems of Ukrainian entrepreneurship, offer methodological approaches, managerial technologies and measures that promote the efficiency and development of small business in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to issues of cluster formation, the formation of new forms of associations, the organization of business incubators and business accelerators. Such activity is connected with the crisis of Ukrainian education, the lack of business universities, the low level of cooperation with business and government, industry, and regional authorities.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the principles of the formation of business incubators in innovation and educational clusters, taking into account the problems and prospects of the development of regions of Ukraine and future changes in the activities of higher educational institutions (HEIs).
Methods. The urgency of the mentioned problem in Ukraine is determined by the fact that the creation and development of business incubators, especially on educational institutions platforms, is one of the directions of activation, improvement and regulation of activity in the paradigm of relations "population-business education-power". It is also an active form: supporting small and medium-sized businesses; accelerating the growth of the potential of entrepreneurship with an innovative orientation; conformity of processes of cluster formation with European standards; optimizing the links between government, education and business.
Results. Business incubator in innovation and educational clusters of any region of Ukraine is a subdivision of a higher educational institution that helps citizens organize, implement and plan the kind of economic activity in the business environment of the region and the country. The purpose of creating a business incubator in the universities is to help create a business and adapt to the information society, the future innovation cluster economy in the region, to qualitatively and timely satisfy customers (first of all students and teachers) with qualitative information about the Ukrainian business environment and business characteristics. Business incubator development programs acquire the character of a partnership between government organizations and the private sector on the basis of mutual benefit.
Originality. The article suggests stages of implementation and implementation of a business incubator in innovation and educational clusters of the region, the concept of creating a business incubator on the basis of a higher educational institution in the region, an algorithm for commercializing the idea of implementing a business incubator in a higher education institution.
Conclusion. Prospects for the development of the regions of Ukraine in the formation of business incubators in innovation and educational clusters are the expansion of jobs and changes in the structure of the labor market, a comprehensive improvement of the investment climate, the formation of a system of new interregional communications and the improvement of the attractiveness of the image of the region. The experience of operating business incubators in developed countries shows that, with relatively insignificant financial investments, a promisingly organized and managed business incubator can help create hundreds of business environment actors, that is, thousands of new jobs.
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