Main Article Content
The task of logistics is to ensure optimal living conditions for urban and rural residents, including the costs of efficiency of operations and services provided to meet the needs of entities operating in it. Implementation of the logistics function is aimed at increasing the quality of life of a given agglomeration's society and improving the work of entities located there, while eliminating unnecessary transport, opening up the communication system, which in consequence should be expressed in the reduction of operating costs and prices of services provided.
The article assessed the existing legal and economic environment concerning the acquisition of land for creation the logistic infrastructure facilities. Logistic facilities provide great flexibility in the implementation of economic initiatives. Well developned logistic processes are characterized by: easy networks and supply chains configurations, variety of transport solutions, rich technical and IT infrastructures. All this makes the government administration and local governments obliged to create proper development plans for their land. The idea is that future investors need to have access to complete information about the development plans for investment land of a municipality, county or voivodeship. For future investors, this is an important condition when making business decisions, when they are able to finance their investments, especially using the fiancial support from the available financial programs of the European Union.
Problems related to the development of logistic infrastructure elements are extremely complex but at the same time have a significant impact on the shape and pace of economic development. New possibilities for financing logistics infrastructure facilities from EU funds as well as public-private partnerships have opened to Poland. This intensified the activities of investors in acquiring the necessary areas for the creation of logistics infrastructure facilities. Local self-governments faced the opportunity to accelerate the pace of development of their local and regional communities, which required them to create legal basis for spatial development policy and the separation of land for investment activities.
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