Main Article Content
Introduction. The competitiveness of land use within a market economy is determined by the equation of capital expenditures, labor power that integrates land into a single engineering procedure, as well as natural and anthropogenic means with the help of which land resources are leveraged, and soil fertility is restored by rational organization of the system of adaptive-landscape specific agriculture. Therefore, the relevance of research of environmental efficiency of land resources management as the basis of sustainable rural development is beyond any reasonable doubt.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to investigate the environmental efficiency of land resources management and its impact on sustainable rural development.
Results. Based on the research findings of the totality of indicators of environmental efficiency of land resources management, we will distinguish those ones that make important analysis findings at the national level for such land resources agents as micro agents; mini-agents; general agents; the state; local agents; global agents. Among all the test items of environmental efficiency of land resources management, the agent of land interests “the state” responds to 26 indicators. In addition to the existing indicators, a number of multiplicative metrics has been added for analysis. By expertise, among the presented indicators we have selected 15 under three criteria – anthropogenic impact, reproduction, harmonization. At the same time, in the author's opinion, the environmental efficiency of land resources management of the rural economic sector is to ensure the efficient land use as a constituent of the environment. With provision for expert estimation, we have offered a set of evaluative criteria for the level of environmental efficiency of land resources management of the rural economic sector.
Originality. There has been proposed the map of forecast impacts of indicators of environmental efficiency of land resources management, which shows an extremely high level of influence of environmental component of sustainable development on the integral estimation of land resources management, in particular indicators of the amount of used agricultural chemicals per 1 ha of area under crops, land resources usage per a unit of gross production, proportion of sunflower and bird rape in cropping system. A computer program was used to predict the change in the value of integrated efficiency of land resources management using the proposed methodological approach. This computer program, taking into account interinfluences, makes it possible to calculate the predictive influence ranking of indicators on the assessment of the integrated efficiency of land resources management.
Conclusion. The article deals with the possibilities of land resources management within the framework of sustainable development of rural territories. The criteria for environmental efficiency of land resources management include: anthropogenic impact – the main indicator – the usage of agricultural chemicals per 1 ha of area under crops; reproduction – environmental and agrochemical assessment of soils; harmonization – the relative gravity of eroded lands acreage in the structure of agricultural fields. Multiplicative indicators, the essence of which is to assess the intensity and efficiency of the parties to land relations, are taken into account for each type of efficiency of land resources management. We have implemented the matrix of forecasts of integral efficiency of land resources management in the rural economic sector in reliance on the method of criterion diagnostics, which is based on the use of a program that takes into account maps of forecast impacts of indicators of environmental efficiency of conditional, relative and absolute input indicators. The practical importance of the obtained research results is that we not only have calculated the predictive rating of the impact of the criterion indicators on the assessment of the integrated efficiency of land resources management, but also the results of the change to 1 conditional score of the input indicator. This technique permitted to reveal the most significant influence on the effectiveness of specific environmental indicators – livestock density and specific gravity of the area under crops, fertilized with organic fertilizers, which indicates the impossibility of effective land use without livestock-raising development.
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