Argumentation of the need of meaningful conceptual interpretation of scientific category of economic security of financial institutions
Main Article Content
The necessity to study the issue of economic security of financial institutions in the current economic conditions in Ukraine is grounded. Numerical material provided as evidence of a negative trend in the number of financial institutions in the domestic financial market. The existence of stable two-way communication between the state's economic security, financial security, economic security of the financial market and economic security of the financial institution is shown. The documents, which laid the foundation for the formation of economic security at the national level and at the level of individual businesses, which include and financial institutions, are listed. The available threats to economic security of domestic financial institutions are concretized. The author offers the definitions of economic security of the financial market and the efficient functioning of financial institutions. The definitions of economic security of the certain types of financial institutions are presented and analyzed, and it helped to find out the absence in the literature for a number of financial intermediaries economic security definitions. It is suggested that the basis of economic security of any institution should be unobstructed its ability to perform its functions and tasks and achieve goals activity. The treatment of content-conceptual interpretation of scientific category of economic security of the financial institution is offered. The need to develop definitions of economic security for the different types of financial institutions, taking into account the specific formation and operation of each of them is emphasized.
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