Development of financial services in the system of e-business
Main Article Content
The article overviews the practice of national financial institutions in terms of rendering financial services in e-business as well as describes the transformation of financial services using information technologies. The key advantages of e-business for sellers and buyers have been outlined. The difference between e-business and e-commerce has been shown. Definition of "electronic financial services" has been suggested. Systems of e-business have been characterized. The basic segments of the international market of financial Internet services have been presented, including internet banking, electronic money and international payment systems in the Internet, brokerage services, online insurance, corporate payment systems, payment processing. Special attention is paid to Internet banking and mobile banking. It has been noticed that lack of significant investments by national businesses and commercial banks into the development of new financial products and inadequate regulation of financial services using information technologies causes the dependence of national market of financial services on international payment systems and major banking institutions.
Article Details
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