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Viktoriia VORONINA
Valentyna KARPENKO


Introduction. The modern Ukrainian economy is changing in all areas of the national economy. This is evidenced by changes in the factors and sources of the foundations of economic growth. The possibilities of resources for economic growth are shrinking. The system of innovative processes, scientific knowledge, new technologies and services is a promising area. Such shifts are possible due to innovation. Innovation is a way to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the economy. Innovative processes in economic development are gaining great importance. The scientific and theoretical aspects of the genesis and the modern formation of the innovative theory have been considered in many works. The authors determined the role of innovation as a factor of economic growth, developed a conceptual apparatus, identified the main cause-and-effect relationships in this area of activity. But some theoretical and methodological aspects of innovation management require further in-depth research.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical foundations of innovation. Study of different approaches to the concept of "innovation". Identification of the main characteristics and criteria of innovation.

Results. The founders of the theory of innovation are considered to be the Soviet scientist economist N. Kondratiev and the Austro-American researcher J. Schumpeter. N. Kondratyev proved that changes in the economic structure of society depend on the implementation of basic innovations. The main ideas of the scientist were developed by J. Schumpeter. At the present stage, different interpretations of the essence of the definition of "innovation" are presented. This was proved by the authors' analysis of the literature. A number of researchers believe that the basis of innovation is change. Other scholars suggest that innovation can be expressed in both quantitative and qualitative changes. Some authors consider innovation as a process. They believe that this is a process of using an innovation, an invention. Thus, based on the analysis and generalization of the works of domestic and foreign scientists to determine the content of the concept of "innovation", it can be noted: 1) a single generally accepted content of the concept of "innovation" has not been developed; 2) innovation as an economic category means the result of the activity on the creation of a new product, technology, realized on the market; 3) researchers highlight novelty and practical applicability as one of the key features of innovation; 4) for the development of an enterprise, it is advisable to consider innovation as an innovation in various fields of activity, its implementation provides an economic effect.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the main characteristics and criteria of innovation. The author's definition of the concept "enterprise innovation" is offered.

Conclusion. The tin characteristics and criteria of innovations are established: the presence of significant changes that have a qualitative, fundamental nature. Innovation must be characterized by scientific and technical novelty; possession of resources and potential to increase the efficiency of all processes in general or their parts; achieving target efficiency; high risk relationship; practical implementation; manifestation of creative activity; use in various fields of activity; ability to meet the needs of consumers; bring profit to business entities; ability to provide long-term beneficial effect; ecological safety.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Viktoriia VORONINA, Полтавський державний аграрний університет

кандидат економічних наук, доцент,

Полтавський державний аграрний університет,

м. Полтава, Україна

Valentyna KARPENKO , Poltava State Agrarian University

bachelor student,

Poltava State Agrarian University,

Ukraine, Poltava

Karyna RUBANSKA, Poltava State Agrarian University

bachelor student,

Poltava State Agrarian University,

Ukraine, Poltava


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