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ntroduction. Globalization and its impact on the development of social relations should be considered in the continuous process of adaptation of individuals, their groups, local communities, NGOs, enterprises, states and their groups to changing environmental conditions, the initial of which are internal changes in these globalization. Today, the consequences are mainly analyzed, and the globalization effects themselves, in particular on land management, have not been systematically studied in science.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to research of modeling of land resources management in Ukraine in the context of globalization and formation of sustainable agri-food systems.
Results. Types of globalization impacts on land management are classified. The use of preventive and reactionary measures is argued, taking into account the capabilities of the state within the framework of international law. The practical significance of the obtained results is that based on the improvement of the categorical apparatus the scheme of deformation of land relations from globalization influences through competition on the world market of land resources and through competition on the world market of agricultural products is given. Ukraine's backlash, unlike many other countries, makes it possible to use, in addition to intensive, extensive neutralizers of globalization effects, such as land user measures to increase the land bank to prevention of reduction of the absolute value of differential rent II and measures of the land user on formation of vertically integrated structures for prevention of reduction of the absolute value of profit.
Originality. The concept of "global deformation" in the context of land management of the agricultural sector of the economy, which should be understood as a change in the format of established national social relations under the influence of globalization of social, economic, political, organizational, financial, informational, preventive and/or administrative adapters and country backlash.
Conclusion. The article examines the main theoretical aspects of land management in Ukraine in the context of globalization. The definition of globalization as the highest stage of social relations, based on liberalization and network principle of organization, in the conditions of a single global financial and information space is proposed. For the first time the scheme of deformation of land relations from globalization influences through competition in the world market of land resources and through competition in the world market of agricultural products is presented. The causes and consequences of the global deformation of land relations at the national level are determined.
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