Main Article Content

Stanislava PASIEKA
Andrii MALYI


Introduction. Tourism is a strategic area of employment, use and development of its labor potential, despite the pandemic challenges. The effectiveness of such processes should be analyzed through the prism of business entities and key employment indicators.

Purpose. The article purpose is to form theoretical provisions for the study of the labor potential of the tourism industry and its environment, as well as substantiation of practical recommendations for the development of such an environment to ensure the competitiveness of tourism in Ukraine.

Methods. The general scientific methods (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization) to deepen the theoretical provisions of the study of the environment of labor potential of the tourism industry are used, as well as methods of statistical analysis – to analyze trends in the activities of tourism entities and employment in tourism

Results. The levels of analysis of labor potential in the context of tourism development are determined. The main indicators of the analysis of labor potential for the territory-tourist destination, the tourist industry as a whole, the enterprise (the subject of tourist activity and related areas), the employee are offered. The main trends in the use of labor potential of the tourism industry in Ukraine on the basis of indicators of the number of business entities, their type and legal status are analyzed. The structural trends in employment in the tourism industry by age, gender and educational criteria are identified. The priority measures to improve the environment for the use of labor potential of the tourism industry in Ukraine, based on the problematic trends, are proposed.

Originality. The scientific problems of research of the population labor potential in the context of development of the tourist industry in Ukraine are actualized. The priorities for improving the environment for using the labor potential of the tourism industry are identified, in particular through the support of small tourism businesses, youth employment, improving the quality of specialized education and improving the statistical support for the analysis of employment in tourism.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Stanislava PASIEKA, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,

Cherkasy, Ukraine

Andrii MALYI , Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Postgraduate student,

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,

Cherkasy, Ukraine


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