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Introduction. The most acute problem of agriculture in modern Ukraine is the insufficiently low level of its
competitiveness. Such characteristics refer to the production of many types of products, agricultural
organizations, farms, industries and agrarian regions of the country. In order to prevent Ukrainian producers from being pushed out of some market segments due to the low competitiveness of their products, it is necessary
to actively use all forms of support for domestic producers and protective measures of the national market.
One of the main strategic directions of the development of agriculture should be a radical increase in
competitiveness based on the technological, economic and social modernization of all regional agro-food systems
(AFS) and, first of all, the country's agriculture.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to form development principles, outline concepts, and create and
maintain competitive advantages under the direct influence of various factors.
Results. The article examines the development of regional agro-food systems (AFS) from the standpoint of
the general theory of systems. The concept of "competitiveness" of regional agro-food systems at the micro-, meso-
, macro-levels and the study of internal and external competitive advantages in the conditions of globalization
trends in the development of the world economy are revealed.
It was established that the regional agro-food systems of Ukraine are at different levels of readiness for
market relations, therefore, when implementing a new state agrarian-food policy, it is necessary to implement a
regionally differentiated approach based on socio-economic management methods.
The concept of system stability and factors (external and internal) that influence its loss are considered.
Various cases of stability of the main components of the APS were studied and highlighted: structure stability;
process stability; stability of the whole. It was found that in the composition of the AFS there are always elements
and subsystems with different degrees and types of stability, as well as the simultaneous functioning of stable and
unstable subsystems is possible.
It is proven that the assessment of the stability of the AFS and the actions of its management is carried out
using the analysis of reactions to possible disturbances in its conditions, and the system itself is represented by a
multidimensional hierarchical structure. Therefore, the analysis of the reaction should be carried out separately
for all components of the AFS, its structure and operating flows from the point of view of their fulfillment of the
main purpose of the AFS.
The competitiveness of the enterprise of the regional agro-food system is considered, which is a complex
multi-level concept, the analysis and evaluation of which must be connected with a specific competitive field and,
especially, with its level, while at each of the levels different subjects of competition operate. The variety of
competitive relations arising in the sphere of economy is divided in the article into three levels: micro level; meso
level; macro level.
Originality. The classification of competitive advantages of objects of the regional economy of the AFS
considered in the scientific work covers most aspects of ensuring their sustainable development, allowing to
develop effective management mechanisms on this basis.
Conclusions. Summarizing what has been stated, it should be noted that the nature of the interaction of
regional agro-food systems is such a relationship that the cause and consequences of economic processes are in
a constant dynamic change from each other. This cause-and-effect relationship determines such an important
feature as the cyclicality of their development, and the period of oscillation is directly proportional to the scale
of spatial formation. Thus, the competitiveness of the regional AFS is a property of the object of the regional AFS
and its service, characterized by the degree of real or potential satisfaction of a specific need by it in comparison
with similar objects presented on the given commodity market.

Article Details



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