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Stanislava PASIEKA


Introduction. The study considered theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of shadow and informal employment, analyzed processes in the field of employment both at the national level and in the field of hospitality in the period 2016-2020, revealed the main trends in the dynamics of informal employment indicators and the factors that determined them, both in crisis conditions and in conditions of uplift. The identified trends were extrapolated to the period of the full-scale war with the Russian Federation, which made it possible to draw a conclusion about the growth of shadow employment both in the economy in general and in the field of temporary accommodation and catering. The causes of such dynamics caused by the state of war and its consequences for the socio-economic and military security of the country are determined.

The need for detinization of employment is substantiated, the main directions of reforms and comprehensive measures in this direction are outlined. Special attention is proposed to be paid to overcoming corruption and ensuring transparency and ease of doing business, ensuring cooperation of the state with public organizations, mass media and representatives of society. The received information and recommendations can be used to develop a reform plan for detinization of the national economy and employment as components of the strategy for ensuring the socio-economic and military security of the country.

 Purpose. The purpose of the research is to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of shadow employment in terms of its impact on socio-economic security and military security, to develop practical recommendations for the unshadowing of employment in the hospitality sector.

Results. The conducted study of the main processes in the domestic labour market in the pre-war period made it possible to identify the main trends in the field of employment both in the economy of Ukraine and in the field of temporary accommodation and catering, to compare the dynamics of shadow employment at these levels, and to identify the main trends and factors that determined The extrapolation of the identified trends in the field of employment during the period of rapid growth of the industry in the period 2016-2019 and during its rapid decline in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic to the period after the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation made it possible to draw a conclusion about the growth of shadow employment as in economy in general, and in the field of hospitality in particular. The causes specific to the period of martial law, as well as its consequences in terms of threats to the socio-economic and military security of the country, were determined.

Originality. The generalization of different approaches to defining the concepts of "shadow employment" and "informal employment; determination of the causes, general and specific to the field of hospitality characteristics of shadow employment and its consequences in the aspect of ensuring socio-economic and military security; determination of the main ways of unshadowing of employment in this field.

Conclusions. The need for the unshadowing of employment both at the national level and in the field of hospitality is substantiated, the main directions of reforms and comprehensive measures are outlined. An important task should be to ensure greater transparency and legality in the field of temporary accommodation and catering, unshadowing of the industry and the economy, and the fight against corruption at all levels. Special efforts should be aimed at raising the civic consciousness of Ukrainian society, the state fulfilling its social obligations. It is recommended to revise the approaches to replenishment of the personnel of the Armed Forces in the direction of strengthening their motivation, emphasizing the need for state cooperation with public organizations, mass media and representatives of society. The received information and recommendations can be used to develop a reform plan for unshadowing of the national economy and unshadowing of employment as components of the Victory Strategy.

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