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Introduction. Volunteerism in Ukraine has a long history and a well-established tradition of joint voluntary assistance to each other in critical situations. The emergence of volunteer organizations has been intensified by the historical processes that have taken place in the 21st century. Volunteer activities have gained even greater importance and development as a result of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, which began on February 24, 2022 and continues to this day. Currently, there is a need to study the development of the institution of volunteering during the period of full-scale invasion, as this will help to regulate the regulatory framework for cooperation between organizations and government agencies, social institutions and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Volunteer activity has a significant number of areas: providing free, voluntary assistance to low-income, sick, disabled and elderly people, citizens affected by emergencies of any origin, facilitating or conducting public events, helping to eliminate the consequences of emergencies, environmental protection, providing volunteer assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, etc.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to summarize the peculiarities of the formation and development of the volunteer movement in Ukraine under martial law.

Results. The importance and specifics of the activities of volunteer organizations, volunteers, and their communication with the public sector in Ukraine are substantiated and characterized. The necessity of state regulation of the functioning of such organizations is proved. The author considers the peculiarities of cooperation of volunteer organizations with military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the peculiarities of financial cooperation with other economic entities under martial law.

Originality. The factors that stimulate the development of the volunteer movement in Ukraine. These include: a significant credit of trust in the volunteer movement on the part of the country's population; an increase in the number of people in need of assistance: refugees, the wounded, those who have lost their homes and property; an increase in the level of patriotism and consciousness of citizens; increased attention of the authorities to improving the legal support of volunteer activities. Among the factors that impede or slow down the development of the volunteer movement is the following: lack of coordination of the emergence and activities of volunteer organizations, their insufficient material and technical base, lack of sustainable practices of partnership with local governments and businesses, legal unresolved issues, lack of mechanisms to control the use of property and funds.

Conclusion. Volunteering in times of war proves to be extremely important and has a profound social and humanitarian impact. In this difficult time, when military conflicts cause suffering and destruction, volunteer work can have a decisive impact on the community and people in difficult situations. First and foremost, volunteering in war provides immediate assistance to victims. Volunteers can provide medical care, food, shelter, and other basic needs. They can organize evacuations, distribute humanitarian aid, and help released hostages or refugees. This will save lives and improve the living conditions of those affected by the consequences of a full-scale invasion. Second, volunteering creates a platform for cooperation and international understanding. Volunteers from different countries and cultures come together to work together for the benefit of affected communities. This broadens horizons, improves intercultural communication, and strengthens relations between peoples. Volunteerism also facilitates the exchange of knowledge and skills, which can be beneficial for the development of countries in post-conflict recovery. In addition, volunteering in times of war has a psychological aspect. War leaves deep scars on the human psyche. Volunteers can provide support and psychological assistance to victims, help them cope with trauma, feelings of loss and fear. This helps to restore self-esteem and build a future after the war.  The idea of engaging young people in volunteer activities is equally important. Volunteering in times of war provides young people with the opportunity to develop social responsibility, leadership skills and civic awareness. Volunteers become agents of positive change in their community and shape the future of the country on the basis of peace, solidarity and harmony. All this makes volunteering in times of war extremely important. It helps those who need help, promotes cooperation between nations and peace-building after the war. Volunteers are important agents of positive change in the world, working for the benefit of humanity in the most difficult times.

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