Main Article Content
Introduction. In a dynamic and unpredictable business environment, enterprises face a number of complex challenges in the field of development management and strategy formation. The main problem is the need to find optimal solutions to ensure sustainable growth and competitiveness in the market. Changes in the economy, technology and sociocultural context require enterprises to adapt and improve strategies. This involves both the study and analysis of the modern theory and practice of managing development and change, and making proposals for their renewal and implementation in the economic activities of enterprises. The article explores this complex problem in order to reveal the factors that affect the effective management of the strategic development of the enterprise and the development of strategies, as well as the development of recommendations to overcome these challenges.
The purpose of this study is to reveal the theoretical aspects of managing the strategic development of the enterprise.
Results. The conducted research indicates the possibility of optimizing management processes and developing an effective strategy that contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Key success factors in managing strategic development and their impact on financial performance and market position are disclosed.
Originality. New approaches to the analysis of strategic development of the enterprise and opportunities are revealed, which makes the article unique in its kind.
Conclusions. Management of enterprise development and the formation of an effective strategy are the determining aspects of the success of modern business in the face of growing competition and economic instability. Management of strategic development becomes a tool that allows enterprises not only to survive in conditions of instability, but also to achieve high results. effective management of development and development of strategy become the determining components of the success of the enterprise in the modern business environment. Their successful synergistic relationship ensures competitiveness, sustainability and the possibility of effective development in the face of constant changes.
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