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Мykola VOVK


Introduction. Globalization and its impact on the development of social relations should be considered in the continuous process of adaptation of specific individuals, their groups, territorial communities, public organizations, enterprises, states and their groups to changing environmental conditions, the primary source of which the internal changes of the above -mentioned subjects of globalization. Today, the consequences are mainly analyzed, and the marketing and security influences of globalization, in particular on land management, have not been systematically investigated in science, which determines the relevance of this study.

Purpose to investigate the deformations in the management of land resources of the agricultural sector of the economy in the conditions of globalization and security challenges.

Results. From the point of view of the meso- and micro levels of the economic hierarchy, adaptation of agricultural enterprises is a form of reflection of the enterprise and its structures of mechanisms of marketing and security influence of globalization of the international economy, which seeks to establish a balance in relations and relations of the international market. The mechanisms of influence of globalization include: changes in credit, price, financial, resource-raw materials, tax situations, economic conditions; weakening of cooperative and competitive advantages of agricultural enterprises and influence of the state on solving problems of financing of agricultural production, development of the market of technological innovations; expanding the capacity of the market niche of enterprises; loss of adaptation status, etc. Research data are confirmed in the schemes of the old and new pyramids of land management by levels in accordance with innovated marketing strategies.

Originality. The definition of global marketing deformation as a change in the format of established national social relations under the influence of global influences of social, economic, political, organizational, financial, information nature, preventive and/or administrative adapters and country luft.

Conclusion. Adaptation to the influences presented, of course, encounters the opposite of the interests of participants in the subjects of even the national economy, which necessitates an increase in the level of international competition in the environmental sphere, withdrawal from the practice of double standards of post -industrial production in the territory of developing countries. This determines the dependence of trends around the world on the development of individual countries. In our opinion, the agricultural development strategy, including highly efficient agriculture, looks attractive to Ukraine and one that allows you to occupy a significant niche in the system of international division of labor, which is defined through marketing forecasting. It should also be noted that for the formation and development of systems of preventive and administrative adapters and the country luft in Ukraine is limited. Recently, agricultural markets of other countries are developing very actively and Ukraine may not have time to occupy its niche in the world market, which necessitates a scientifically considered approach to further justification of the adequate system of land management of the national agricultural sector of economy.

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