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Introduction. After achieving independence, Ukraine began to follow the path of building a European model of governance and a system of values. However, the process of European integration is currently faced with numerous problems that have created serious obstacles on the path of integration. The annexation of Crimea and military aggression in Donbass led to a fatal conflict that undermined the political and economic stability of Ukraine, and the war with the Russian Federation continues to devastate the country and threaten not only the European integration agenda, but also the future existence of the state.

Purpose. Research of the current state and prospects of development of Ukraine's integration into the European Union.

Methods. Theoretical analysis of the current state of development of the process of European integration.

Results. The peculiarities of the development of the integration processes of Ukraine to the European Union are analyzed, the successes of different periods of Ukraine-EU reciprocity are studied and developed, new problems of these integration projects are highlighted.

Originality. The main contemporary calls for the smooth development of the European integration process are substantiated.

Conclusion. It is difficult not to note the positive changes in the development of the integration process of Ukraine into the EU, however, in order to implement all the membership criteria, many more changes are needed. Addressing the current situation in Ukraine, the reform process over the past two years has demonstrated good results. By fulfilling the demands and taking advantage of the opportunities provided, Ukraine can come closer to becoming an integral part of the European family in the very near future

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