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Viktoriia OPALKO


Introduction. The issue of developing and implementing effective projects of a socio-economic and innovative nature in tourism and recreation, which require the application of project management methodology, is appropriate and relevant. Tourism as an international phenomenon and a multi-sector economic complex determines the multifacetedness and variety of tourism projects. The specifics of applying the project management methodology for each specific project require a clear justification, taking into account the specifics of the tourist product and the specifics of tourist and recreational activities.

Purpose. Determination of the features of the development and implementation of social projects in the tourist direction, taking into account the methodology of project management.

Results. Before the full-scale invasion of Russia on February 24, 2022, Ukraine used the "Strategy for the Development of Tourism and Resorts for the Period Until 2026", the implementation of which was actually "put on hold". However, attention to the existing diverse tourist and recreational potential in Ukraine on the part of society increased significantly during the war, which determined the opportunities for the development of tourist services of domestic tourism. The social aspects of tourist activities and the development of recreational services, the consumers of which can be both tourists and local residents, have also become relevant. The growth of the recreational role of tourism became an important change in wartime conditions. Regional and local projects of social direction and projects related to recreational activities are relevant for implementation in the realities of time.

The importance of effective partnership between the public, private sector and educational institutions in the implementation of tourism and recreational projects is substantiated. The specificity of the application of project management for a tourism project of a social orientation is illustrated by the example of the development of the "Youth Tourism Digital & Innovation" project, the purpose of which is the development of educational and methodological materials and tools for the promotion of the recreational and tourist potential of Ukraine and the formation of a patriotic attitude to the opportunities of one's own country.

Originality. The main emphasis when formulating the goals and measures for the implementation of the project is proposed to be made on the use of digital technologies and modern educational tools.

Conclusion. The application of the project management methodology in tourism should take into account the main patterns of development of the national tourism system and the local project outlook aimed at the integration of local, regional and national tourism projects.

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