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Anatolii PAVLIUK


Introduction. European tourism is a priority area of joint policy of the EU member states in the future. EU countries show that although the corona crisis has significantly affected the industry, tourism is rapidly recovering from 2021. For Ukraine, which is in extremely difficult conditions of a full-scale war, there are other tasks in the field of tourism. However, it is important to study the approaches of the EU tourism policy in order to focus on the European standards of the service sector. EU tourism policy is implemented according to the concept of tourism ecosystem development, which is important for Ukraine, especially in the context of ensuring peace. coexistence of states, development of economic relations to support the progress of human civilization.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is deepening of the theoretical foundations of the study of the international cooperation potential to understand the possibilities of its formation, accumulation and development.

Methods of research. Аnalysis, generalization, explanation - to determine the content of international cooperation and tourism policy; grouping - for the analysis of travel culture in the EU countries, structural and logical - for the allocation of the share of tourism in the GDP of the EU countries and Ukraine: systemic analysis - for studying the experience of international cooperation of the EU countries through the number of international arrivals for the purpose of tourism in some EU countries and Ukraine for the last decade.Results. The content of EU tourism policy, its main features and challenges in the tourism sphere are defined. The main trends in the development of tourism in the EU countries and Ukraine were analyzed and the approaches of the EU tourism policy were studied, including those reflected in the indicators of the share of the industry in GDP, the level of employment, and the volume of international tourist arrivals.  Scientific and practical recommendations regarding the use of the positive experience of the EU for the development and implementation of a strategy of sustainable competitive accessible tourism in Ukraine based on the principles of social responsibility and social partnership are substantiated.Originality. The main directions of EU tourism policy, which is implemented according to the concept of tourism ecosystem development, are defined. The components of the EU tourism ecosystem are presented: bodies, principles of cooperation, main methods and software and regulatory support. The priorities of the European order for tourism 2030 are outlined.Conclusion. The study of the EU's tourism policy, which is an important condition for international cooperation, is necessary for the justification of the new world security architecture. For Ukraine, this approach is promising and mandatory. And the hope for full membership in the EU requires the implementation of European approaches and standards as soon as possible. The study of various practices of cooperation between EU member states allows Ukraine to activate the participation of various institutions, and not only state, but also representatives of the tourism business, local self-government bodies, public, educational, and scientific organizations. We propose to study the experience of financing various projects and to develop effective mechanisms for the participation of public organizations in the implementation of EU tourism policy. Such projects may include measures to protect the natural and historical and cultural heritage. It is extremely important that the field of tourism develops in the conditions of a growing supply of services for foreign tourists. so that in the future the tourism sector will become a leader among the economic sectors and a catalyst for the European integration of Ukraine

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