Main Article Content
Introduction. Higher education is the basis for the development of the production apparatus of the economy in the conditions of the formation of the knowledge economy. It acts as a factor in ensuring current and future geopolitical interests of Ukraine. Higher education is a complex system that is associated with socio-economic systems at different levels. The results of modernization and reform of this sector should be evaluated through the prism of economic security.
Purpose. The study of global trends in higher education in terms of economic security.
Results. Higher education, research and innovation play a key role in the country's global competitiveness. The growing demand for skills and competencies requires new steps from higher education. Global changes expand the economic, social, information interdependence of different countries. The new dynamics of higher education is described in one word - "diversification". Diversification has touched almost all aspects of higher education: providers of educational services, educational formats, demographic composition of students, and orientation of institutions. Global trends in higher education include: mass character, diversification of higher education formats, change of educational paradigm, continuity of education, employment prospects, quality of education, internationalization of higher education, academic mobility, internationalization of research work, financing of higher education. According to the forecasts of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, in 2025 the number of students in tertiary education will be 263 million people. Service providers are developing technology to reach more students. There were open educational resources, mass open online courses. In many professions it becomes necessary to obtain new skills, since the acquired ones become obsolete. In many occupations it has become essential to acquire new skills as established ones become obsolete. The biggest demand is for new combinations of skills—“hybrid jobs”. The introduction of new technologies led to an increase in demand for highly qualified specialists and a reduction in demand for workers with an average level of qualifications. Companies now have a broader range of options for getting the job done, from automation and offshoring to using self-employed workers and crowdsourcing.
Originality. Analyzed the changes that occur in the sphere of higher education under the influence of global trends. Defined the key trends affecting the safety of the educational environment. It is the internationalization of educational systems; Strengthening the mobility of students and faculty, increasing competition between educational organizations in the market of educational services; Increasing the requirements for the quality of educational services; A reduction in the life cycle of knowledge, the introduction of new forms of education, the reduction of public funding, the orientation of educational organizations to implement the concept of lifelong learning.
Conclusion. Global trends are of a different nature and affect the development of the educational sphere in Ukraine. Under certain conditions, they can turn into phenomena and factors that will impede the effective implementation of Ukraine's national interests. In such circumstances, it is important to determine the criteria for national security in the sphere of education.
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