Main Article Content
Introduction. At the current stage of development trends in exports of goods and services characterized by the following factors: a reduction of more than in 2 times of volumes of exports during the last 5 years, a predominance in the structure of export products with low added value, lack of the strategy of promotion of goods on foreign markets, indicative of a lack of effective export support system in Ukraine.
Purpose. Analysis of changes in the mechanism of functioning of export support in the conditions of export credit agencies creation in Ukraine in modern conditions, and development corresponding recommendations for the optimization of export support.
Results. Analyzed main positive and negative aspects of implementation of export credit agency, noted the key risks and opportunities.
Originality. The originality of the work lies in the critical assessment of the impact of the creation of the ECA in the format of proposed by law, revealed a number of narrow places especially, noted the necessity of separation of small and medium businesses, isolation features of support for exporters of services, lack of criteria for evaluation of ECA (proposed by the author), low proportion of supported product groups in total exports.
Conclusion. Creation of ECA carries a number of advantages (international image, providing financial support to exporters, export promotion with high added value, etc.) and a number of risks (institutional lack of establishments coordinator, not take into account features of small and medium businesses, specificities of exports of goods and services). Relevant risks can be addressed with regard to the recommendations given in the article.
Article Details
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