Main Article Content
Introduction. The technology of making sausages involves repeated operations of grinding of raw meat, as well as the mixing of prescription ingredients. As is known, these processes have been effectively implemented in cutter, modern models which allow to grind lumpy meat to mince, the mince before the state of the emulsion, vacuum raw material and heat treatment. However, despite certain advantages of these types of machines, for them remains an urgent further increase in efficiency and durability. Improving the efficiency of work provides for an increase in specific productivity cutter and improve the quality of the raw materials in them. The increase in longevity would increase the wear resistance, strength and endurance of the main working bodies cutter - knife cutter head. Our studies of work processes in cutter is allowed to justify and develop a series of measures to tackle the above problems. The developed solutions have different performance and require different capital and operating costs in its implementation.
Purpose. The aim of this work is determination of economic efficiency of application in the cutter of a package of measures to improve their efficiency and durability.
Methods. Analytical determination of the economic effect from the introduction of new or upgraded equipment design.
Results. The total expected economic effect includes the following components: increased efficiency cutter; improving quality processing of raw materials; improvement of durability and reliability cutter. Definition of economic efficiency performed for the case of cuter in the process line for the production of sausages with the capacity of 20 tonnes of sausage products per shift. Improved design of cutter increase the productivity of 2.87%, a decrease in capital investments of 61.9% (through the use of a cutter instead of three) and a decrease in operating expenses 75.2%.
Originality. The use of the cutter developed new designs of knives, cutter heads, and new devices can significantly increase the economic effect from the use of cuter. The main factor to increase economic benefits - significant performance improvement cutter (almost three times).
Conclusion. The economic effect from the introduction of improved design cutter Л5-ФКБ is 1304368 UAH. the payback period is 5.5 months. In the future, it is advisable to make a comparative analysis of economic efficiency of technical solutions to select the most promising ones for implementation.
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