Main Article Content
Introduction. The study of socio-economic motivation is necessary to formulate specific recommendations for improving the use of economic and social methods of motivation. There is also important an assessment of the effects of motivational influence, that must manifest themselves in the efficiency of work and the processes of personality development.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to formulate the content of socio-economic motivation of personnel with the systematization of its levers and instruments, as well as the characteristics of social and economic consequences.
Methods. The methodical bases of the study are methods: dialectical, abstract-logical (knowledge of the essence of socio-economic motivation); systemic generalization (methods, levers and tools of socio-economic motivation); graphic (visual representation of some results) etc.
Results. The relevance of the study of socio-economic motivation of staff in the article was substantiated. The general content of motivation as a complex administrative process, combining the action of internal motives with external target influences, was formulated. The main dimensions of socio-economic motivation consideration (human and functional) were highlighted. The ideological schematic interpretation of socio-economic motivation in a two-vector perspective in order to reveal its content was presented. It includes a description of methods, levers and tools, as well as the implications of implementation. The levers and tools of socio-economic motivation of staff were systematized. Monetary, privileged, knowledgeable, tax and property levers in the group of economic methods were highlighted. The security, communication, temporal and developmental levers in the group of social methods were highlighted. The main economic instruments were indicated: salary, bonuses, allowances and surcharges; profit participation; basic and motivational social packages; investment in human capital; optimization of income taxation. Social instruments include: favorable and safe working conditions; favorable conditions for development and career growth; «enriching» the content of labor; effective co-operation of labor; management of labor behavior, corporate culture; providing autonomy in work; delegation of authority; introduction of flexible working schedules, provision of a remote workplace; providing extra free time; territorial mobility; induction of social activity. The economic and social implications of staff motivation was characterized. The economic implications should be oriented towards ensuring effective work with signs of innovation. The social implications should be manifested in three stages: self-development and security; change of social status; humanization of labor. The matrix of functions and tasks of socio-economic motivation of staff was proposed. The functions and the tasks for general and specific were divided. In particular, the general functions are explanatory-substantiating, regulatory, communication, corrective, controlling. The specific functions of socio-economic motivation are productive efficiency, socialization, innovation, creativization, cooperation, mobility, humanization, career function. Each of the functions is correlated with the tasks of socio-economic motivation of staff.
Originality. A detailed description of the tools, levers, functions and tasks of the socio-economic motivation of staff in this publication is done.
Conclusion. The results of the study allow to develop the methodology and practice of socio-economic motivation of the personnel, including in relation to corporate personalization in the application of methods of motivational influence.
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