Main Article Content
Introduction. The hotel and restaurant business is a promising direction of the development of the national economy, but now the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine is only at the stage of its formation and is negatively influenced by external and internal factors (threats). The risk factor forces managers of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business to save financial and material resources, to calculate the effectiveness of new projects and commercial transactions. It identifies the risk of loss of resources or lack of income compared to the rational use of resources.
Purpose of the article is to study the levels of economic security of the hotel and restaurant business, what will help to determine the main threats in modern economic conditions.
Methods. A set of techniques and methods of cognitive knowledge are used in the article such as general scientific metods (dialectic, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis) and special methods (synergetic analysis, research of economic conditions).
Results. The article deals with the concept of "economic security in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business" and proposes an own approach to the definition of this concept. The complex research of providing of economic safety in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business on the national and world levels is offered. The specifics of the functioning of the hotel and restaurant business in the macro, meso- and micro-environment are analyzed, the threats to economic safety in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business are analyzed, and a comprehensive provision of economic security at the macro, meso and micro levels has been proposed.
Originality. The article deals with the concept of "economic security of the hotel and restaurant business". New approach to the definition of this concept is proposed. The complex research of providing of economic safety in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business on the national and world levels is offered. The threats to economic safety of the hotel and restaurant business at the macro, meso and micro levels are investigated, and the features of ensuring economic security at all levels have been identified.
Conclusion. Economic security of the hotel and restaurant business is a complex category, which includes a set of properties through which the objects of the hotel and restaurant business carry out their activities and remain economically invulnerable to the influence of negative external and internal factors on the macro, meso and micro level. Ensuring economic security in the hotel and restaurant business is expedient to consider at macro, meso and micro levels. This will help to identify the main external and internal threats and develop an effective system for neutralizing these threats.
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