Main Article Content
Introduction. The transition of Ukraine to the information society requires a constructive rethinking of the role of intellectual property, which acts as the driving force behind the creation of competitive advantages and the formation of the potential of industrial and economic relations at the national and international levels.
In many cases, market relations are not capable of ensuring the transformation of the results of innovation activity into goods. Therefore, in the given conditions, effective state regulation of the commercialization of intellectual property objects becomes the first place.
Purpose. The purpose of this work is to study the processes of commercialization of intellectual property and the possibility of adapting foreign experience to the realities of today's Ukraine.
Methods. Theoretical analysis and graphical method.
Results. In accordance with the main goal in the work the following issues are considered: various scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "intellectual property" are investigated; considered the main ways of using intellectual property; highlighted and analyzed the main groups of problems of regulation of relations connected with the commercialization of the results of intellectual property; the experience of foreign countries regarding the commercialization of the results of intellectual property was considered, namely, the main problems of this process were identified, possible solutions were proposed and the main toolkit used in the settlement of these problems was identified; The mechanism for the development of solutions based on the problems described in the work will be based and presented in a schematic form.
Originality. The experience of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity abroad is generalized. The mechanism of solving the problems of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity is proposed.
Conclusions. Thus, we can conclude that any problem of commercialization of intellectual property objects can be solved by finding a compromise between the parties, taking into account the legislative framework operating in the country, the choice of fundamental criteria, the assessment of the effectiveness and risks of a number of proposed options. Every solution proposed for the next implementation must be documented in the enterprise and have a correlation with the main development strategy.
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