Main Article Content
Introduction. A characteristic feature of the current stage of development of the agricultural sector of the economy is the profound and fundamental changes in virtually all its spheres, which directly or indirectly affect the system of management of agricultural enterprises, which should be considered as dynamic, since the forms, methods and functions of the system are influenced by many factors.
The aforementioned is of particular relevance in the conditions of digitalization of agricultural production and the influence of information and communication technologies on the management system of agricultural entities.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to formulate the principles of digitalization of the management system in agricultural enterprises on the basis of the study of the theoretical basis of scientific and technological development of agricultural production by deep analysis of the processes of digital transformation of subjects of the agricultural sector.
Results. The objective necessity and practical importance of the management system in agricultural enterprises is conditioned by its exclusive role in the process of forming a reliable mechanism for the interconnection of elements both within the control system and the means of communication between the management and control subsystem.
The essence of the concept of “management system” is analyzed in the article. The main components of the management system specific to agricultural enterprises are highlighted. According to the systematic approach, the features of agricultural enterprises of the economic sector, as open to the external environment, are outlined. An in-depth analysis of the basic (basic) and additional principles of digitalization of the management system in agricultural enterprises, which serve as the basis for forming and responding to the galloping dynamism of the development of the modern agrarian business environment, is conducted. The principles outlined most fully reflect the content and objectives of the digital transformation process and fully describe the key requirements for building a modern digital governance system.
Conclusion. Thus, the principles of digitalization of the management system in agricultural enterprises, which are formed by the author, allow to approach more complexly the problem of digital transformation of management of agricultural entities under the influence of modern technologies. Without the formation of basic and additional principles, such as basic provisions, rules and laws, which are appropriate, it is impossible to build an effective digital management system according to the needs of farmers.
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