Main Article Content
Introduction. The authors have proposals outline specification management cycle of integrated effort for the development of business clusters. Tourism and Recreation, based on general features area-specific management.
Purpose. The goal of the work was consistent definition management features integrated effort the development of business in clusters Tourism and Recreation.
Results. The authors were requested to design, plan the management cycle of integrated effort for the development of business in clusters Tourism and Recreation. That draft contain:
1) synthesis, analysis and diagnostic portrait of the cluster, surrounding the geographical, historical, demographic, economic, social characteristic, supported by assessment state of tourist attractions (as a functioning of the environment);
2) mission and common vision, which gave operational meaning a promising integrated сluster development, mission each of autonomous members;
3) macro-micro analysis, competitive advantage and restrictions future development, integrative environments of cluster;
4) identified the strategic direction activities, singled out as population, strategic objectives and provisional action, relatively achieve the goals: a description of the actions, target dates for the implementation, responsible persons, sources of funding; implementation mechanisms strategic plan; the list of participants formulation.
Originality. Оn based on the use of comparisons, structural, historical, logical, Systems Analysis; secondary data analysis, integrating, interpretation, project methods being developed іnstrumental time dimension of management process the cascading based on a system of medium-term and ongoing (budget) plans. The provision devoted with what basis for planning cannot be only an optimistic expectation, it is necessary a holistic scientific basis of problem that may arise in implementing the proposed areas development integration of business in clusters Tourism and Recreation.
Conclusion. The study is based on a use of comparisons, historical, logical, systems analysis; secondary data analysis, integrating, interpretation, project methods. The scientific approach lies in design of scheme management cycle integrated effort for the development of business in Tourism and Recreation clusters. Following the study conclusions were made about the availability, multi и business environment inside of a Tourism and Recreation clusters. Therefore, strategic analysis is an integrated multi-level conversion of the database, generated by analysis of the external (macro) and internal (micro) cluster environment and internal environments party's autonomous (Microanalysis) and in the future is the basis for strategic map and identification success factor. The further scientific development to define the basic criteria and form the specifics of building an effective governance paradigm the development of Tourism and Recreation clusters.
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