Main Article Content
Introduction. Marketing researches are the main means of adapting to changes in the market environment, which are based on complete, reliable and timely information. In the works of scientists, the question of the role of marketing researches in the formation of pricing and logistics policy of the enterprise remains insufficiently covered.
Purpose. Presentation of theoretical and practical positions about the main tools of marketing and determination of the place of marketing researches in the formation of pricing and logistics policy of the enterprise.
Results. It is analyzed that the purpose of marketing researches is identifying market opportunities of the enterprise. They allow the enterprise to get the advantage over competitors, reduce risk, timely determine changes in the marketing environment, namely it is the collecting and processing of marketing information. Exactly in the analysis of the collected marketing information a set of statistical indicators and statistical methods is used. Based on this, the relationship between marketing researches, pricing and logistics policy is revealed, without which the effective functioning of the enterprise is impossible. The analysis of time series of average prices for cereals and legumes sold by enterprises of Poltava region is performed. The analysis of the level of wholesale turnover of wholesale enterprises by districts and cities of Poltava region and further forecast of this indicator with the use of trend models is performed. It is revealed that for research and forecasting the level of wholesale turnover of wholesale enterprises by districts and cities with the help of trend models it is advisable to use a linear trend model, as this model more precisely shows and compares actual and theoretical values of the level of wholesale turnover of wholesale enterprises.
Originality. It is substantiated that an important factor in the interaction of logistics and pricing policy in marketing researches is the product range. It is revealed that the purpose of marketing researches is identifying market opportunities of the enterprise, which allow the enterprise to get the advantage over competitors, reduce risk, timely determine changes in the marketing environment, namely it is the collecting and processing of marketing information. With the help of available information and trend models, the expediency of marketing researches of the pricing policy of the enterprise is revealed and the expediency of a linear trend as a model that more precisely shows and compares actual and theoretical values of the level of wholesale turnover of enterprises is revealed. A scheme of the relationship between pricing, logistics policy and marketing researches, showing the relationship and expediency of their conducting with the help of chains of interdependence between them was made.
Conclusion. It is revealed that marketing researches in the system of the enterprise is one of the levers of ensuring its competitiveness, by studying the subsystems of pricing and logistics policy that will directly affect its economic efficiency. Since the use of marketing researches in the formation of pricing and logistics policy has certain problems, it is necessary to more carefully study the open niches of marketing researches for the effective formation and operation of the enterprise.
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