Main Article Content
Introduction. In modern conditions, ensuring the economic stability of business structures is possible if the concept of their development is directly based on the use of intellectual resources. It is the intellectual potential acts as a strategic resource for the formation and implementation of competitive advantages of the enterprise, in conditions of continuous change and globalization. Increasing globalization and global competition put modern business structures in such conditions when there is an objective need to use intellectual resources to ensure the successful operation of companies in conditions of economic instability and uncertainty. This problem is especially important for the national economy of Ukraine, as it is focused primarily on the export of raw materials, the demand for which has recently been declining. However, the analysis of research results of foreign and domestic scientists allows us to conclude about the imperfection of the management system of intellectual potential of business structures, especially for the stable operation of enterprises in conditions of increased market risks.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify and analyse the basic methods and principles of system management of the intellectual potential of the organization, ensuring the implementation of the concept of economic stability of the enterprise.
Results. The paper examines the foreign experience of using a number of approaches to the model of human resources in economic practice. That allowed to group and systematize the main methods of assessing the intellectual capital of the organization. Based on the analysis, the author's classification is carried out, which takes into account the specific features of the manifestation of material and intellectual capital of the organization and determines a number of basic strategies for managing the latter, based on the formation and use of new knowledge and knowledge exchange between structural components of intellectual capital. . The paper formulates the basic principles of system management of intellectual capital of the organization, ensuring the implementation of the concept of economic stability of the organization.
Originality. The formation of a system of economic sustainability of entrepreneurial structures is closely related to the development of the organization's competitive advantages, which are ultimately embodied in the concept of strategic development. Thus, the competitive advantage of the entrepreneurial structure takes place when an organization forms and implements in the process of production and economic activity a strategy that provides it with strategic economic stability and cannot be used or copied over a certain period of time by potential competitors. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the formation and use of a business architecture or a business model is not a guarantee of the strategic sustainability of an organization, because they are subject to obsolescence due to changes in the environment, new business opportunities, etc. In modern conditions, ensuring the economic sustainability of an organization is possible if its development strategy is directly based on the use of such a powerful factor as intellectual capital. It is intellectual capital that acts as a strategic resource for the formation and implementation of the competitive advantages of an entrepreneurial structure, in the context of continuously occurring changes and globalization.
Conclusion. Thus, integrated communications are an important form of obtaining and sharing staff knowledge. This approach leads to the integration of human capital of employees, which on the one hand is a new form of knowledge acquisition, and on the other - on the basis of a synergistic effect leads to an increase in the overall intellectual capital of the organization. As a result, there is a formation of the structural relationship of personal and organizational strategy, which is essentially an imperative to ensure and develop the strategic stability of the company.
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