Main Article Content
Introduction. Tourism and recreational activities have a significant impact on the economic and social development of the regions of the country. The development of this activity contributes to the filling of local budgets, the formation of new transport communications, the development of appropriate infrastructure, job creation. It is determined that the global lockdown, closed borders, no international flights, restrictions on international destinations for tourists, lower incomes cause an increase in demand for recreation within Ukraine. The current situation should be considered not only as a problem, but also as an opportunity for the development of domestic tourism.
Appointment. The purpose of this article is to study the current state of tourist and recreational potential of the Black Sea region, monitoring and analysis of influencing factors that ensure its development. And identification of factors that hinder the development and effective management of tourism and recreational potential.
Results. In the article researches of a condition of development of tourist and recreational potential of the Black Sea region of Ukraine, separately on the Nikolaev, Odessa and Kherson areas are carried out, resources of nature reserve, recreational, cultural and historical funds are revealed. The quantitative and qualitative indicators of accommodation facilities available in the region are studied and distributed by types. The number of tourists who visited the Black Sea region in each region was monitored, and the revenues to the region's budgets from the tourist tax were analyzed.
Originality. Measures to develop the tourist and recreational potential of the region in conditions of uncertainty and quarantine restrictions are proposed. To overcome the seasonality in tourism, territorial communities and regions need to focus on the development of health and medical tourism, with the available recreational potential. To overcome post-crisis phenomena and minimize losses in the field of tourism to carry out intersectoral cooperation.
Conclusions: According to the results of monitoring the study of regional tourist and recreational resources of Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kherson regions, we can say that they have significant potential. The presence of therapeutic mud, thermal springs, geysers, salt lakes in the region is currently not fully used, the use of these resources during the year will increase the length of the tourist season and will attract guests to the region. To develop the tourist and recreational potential of the region, it is necessary to finance the tourism sector through additional allocations from state and local budgets, attract private investment resources that will be aimed at modernizing existing and building new infrastructure: hotels, health facilities, including their equipment, construction of highways, telecommunications networks, power lines, international road checkpoints, etc.
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