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In the article the features of personnel security management and the principles of functioning of the personnel security system of modern enterprises are examined. The characteristics of components, threats and directions of personnel security management of the enterprise are given. The algorithm of personnel security management of the enterprise is presented. Proposals for increasing the level of personnel security of enterprises through the improvement of its management mechanisms are given.

The purpose of the article is to study the principles of personnel security management of enterprises and to identify ways to solve problems related to the mechanism of its provision, by justifying effective measures to combat personnel risks for the state of economic security of economic entities.

Conclusions. Thus, modern research shows that a high level of personnel security is difficult to achieve even with effective management methods, and the state of personnel security depends on the duration and strength of internal and external factors of the environment on its economic security system, and most of all its components related to the actions or inaction of the entity's personnel. In general, a distinction should be made between internal and external social risks to economic security. This gradation will allow top-management to properly structure management decisions aimed at counteracting the negative consequences of personnel risks, depending on the source of their occurrence. Threats to the personnel security of the enterprise are a consequence of the existence of negative trends in the macroeconomic environment of its operation, including the labor market, and are the result of systemic problems in the organization of business structures.

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