Main Article Content
The article summarizes the theoretical aspects of the investigate the managerial bases of modeling the state priorities of entrepreneurship development (motivational-cognitive, socio-economic, stereotypical-behavioral factors). The methodology of neo-innovative formation of state priorities of business development in innovative economy is offered. This methodology, in contrast to the existing ones in the scientific world, provides an author's view of the methodological architecture of state priorities based on equal dominance, unification and synergy, within the proposed methodology, systemic, process, evolutionary and stakeholder-oriented approaches. These approaches in the context of the proposed methodology - are the result of a holistic vision of identifying priorities for government regulation and support for entrepreneurship through the controlled influence of actors on the institutional matrix. The ontology of the proposed methodology is focused on deepening the problem field of research of causal relationships that determine the development of events in the institutional environment of entrepreneurship (market "failures", opportunistic behavior, inert business development, violation of complementarity between formal and informal institutions) and also involves the elimination of fragments that have been developed in science in describing the development of entrepreneurship in the innovative economy as a complex multidimensional and dynamic phenomenon.
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