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Introduction. In a market economy, the competitive advantages of the country, region, enterprise depend
crucially on the content of investment management processes at all levels of management. Analysis of domestic
and foreign experience in managing the investment process allows us to conclude that many aspects of investment
activity and evaluation of its effectiveness are fully reflected in the works of domestic and foreign scientists. Its
epistemological sources are the provisions of economic theory, which consider the relationship of resource and
performance parameters of economic development: the theory of accumulation, the theory of reproduction, the
theory of economic dynamics, the theory of economic growth. This necessitates further research in this direction,
taking into account the changes taking place in the country's economy.
The purpose of the work is to study ways to optimize the process of investment management in the region.
Results. The article analyzes the state of investment management in the region. The main directions of
improving the efficiency of investment process management at the micro level are studied. Problems of modern
tendencies of development of investment processes are revealed and offers concerning directions of optimization
of process of management of investment activity in the region are made. Ways to improve the mechanism of state
management of investment activities at the regional level, taking into account the functional role of specific
mechanisms in the transformation of the requirements of the laws of society in the plane of its practical activities.
Originality. Insufficient theoretical elaboration of the issues of investment management process does not
allow enterprises to effectively solve a number of management tasks. Therefore, the problems of increasing the
efficiency of investment process management must be considered and addressed in close cooperation between the
macro and micro levels, which requires the creation of effective mechanisms for managing investment activities
in enterprises.
Conclusion. The current state of the Ukrainian economy after the years of the transformation period
testifies to certain reform reforms and positive practical changes. We have these results as a result of socioeconomic changes in the country, namely: trade liberalization, property reform, the gradual expansion of the
private sector in the economy, some "warming of the investment climate." At the same time, the development of
the Ukrainian economy should be greatly facilitated by the effective investment activities of all economic entities,
as under any circumstances it creates a material basis for society and contributes to improving the welfare of the
population. Thus, the issue of ways to optimize the process of investment management in the region is very
important for the development of Ukraine's economy

Article Details



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