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Nataliia BUTKO
Viktoriia UMANSKA


Introduction. In modern market economy, ensuring the success of the enterprise relies on marketing. Its role is to orient the production and marketing of enterprises through various innovations, as well as in the formation and stimulation of demand for fundamentally new innovative products. Therefore, to develop and ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to such activities as the development and introduction of innovation and implementation of marketing activities aimed at their commercialization.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the use of innovations in marketing in order to ensure the competitive advantages of enterprises for their successful operation.

Results. Ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises, as shown by modern world practice, is impossible without the introduction and further application of innovations in marketing. The classification features of innovations and the list of marketing innovations for enterprises are presented. The main factors of innovation development and the process of its management within enterprises are studied. Innovative marketing considered as a concept of doing business, according to which the company continuously improves products and uses modern marketing tools. The basic principles of innovative marketing for the enterprise are highlighted. The main components of innovative marketing, which are aimed at optimizing, ensuring competitiveness and control of innovative activity of enterprises with the use of modern marketing research and the use of active influence on market conditions of their operation. It is determined that in order to promote products of innovative origin on the market, each company develops its own marketing strategy for innovative development, taking into account the specific features of individual products.

Originality. It is substantiated that in the formation of marketing innovations constitute a marketing innovation strategy. It is proposed to consider the current and future goals of the enterprise, selected tasks that need to be solved to achieve the relevant goals, a list of measures aimed at solving the tasks, as well as benchmarks and criteria that assess the achievement of these goals.

Conclusion. Successful businesses owe their success to innovation, particularly in the field of marketing. Marketing innovations are an effective means of increasing competitiveness, as they lead to the creation of new products and the development of new markets, to increase investment and reduce all types of costs. Innovative marketing allows you to form a competitive advantage of a marketing strategy based on innovation and introduction in order to maximize the company's profits.

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