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Introduction. In conditions of instability, uncertainty, risks, as well as dynamism in economic relations, the strategy of personnel management is one of the main directions of enterprise development and a key element of the overall stra  tegy. Every year there are changes both in the economy of the country and in enterprises, in the economic environment, as well as in personnel policy. In this regard, more and more often there are new requirements for the selection, development, motivation of personnel, which comprehensively solve for the successful implementation of organizational strategy. The staff is the main basis for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Therefore, the overall strategy of the enterprise and the strategy of personnel management should act as a whole.

Purpose. The aim is to generalize the system of strategic personnel management and develop recommendations for improving the strategic personnel management of the enterprise. The main tasks of the work are to familiarize with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the essence of the personnel management strategy and the basis of its implementation and analysis of foreign experience.

Results. In the article the features and main aspects of strategic personnel management are investigated, the expediency of strategic personnel management as an important direction in the development of the enterprise as a whole and the formation of a competitive team is substantiated. It analyses tasks and functions of strategic personnel management, considers elements of strategic management and typical strategies of personnel management. It marks out main stages of development of the strategy of personnel management of an enterprise. It analyses foreign experience of personnel management and, in particular, its motivational component as an important element in strategic management.

Originality. The article analyses modern approaches to strategic personnel management and identifies and summarises the main stages of development of the personnel management strategy. A thorough analysis of foreign experience made it possible to formulate the main features in strategic personnel management.

Conclusion. Strategic human resource management is a way of thinking and management that ensures the alignment of both the goals and capabilities of the enterprise and the interests of the employees of the enterprise. This involves not only determining the main course of the enterprise, but also increasing the motivation and interest of all employees in its implementation.

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