Main Article Content
Introduction. In accordance with the current land legislation, citizens of Ukraine were given the right to alienate and acquire the right of ownership of agricultural land plots by buying and selling them. The economic circulation of agricultural lands must be subordinated to public interests, namely: in terms of land consolidation, mandatory preservation of fertility, targeted, productive and rational use, by introducing sanctions, including the seizure of land, as one of the tools of state administration. Among the main ones, four main methods of state management of land resources of the agrarian sector of the economy are distinguished: economic, administrative, socio-psychological, integration, which due to certain motives, interests and incentives realize the needs arising in the process of land relations; needs related to processes of division and cooperation in land use; needs arising on the basis of the psychological phenomena of an individual (collective) - a farmer, the head of a personal peasant farm, and a systemic set of all the needs of agents of land interests. Despite this, the majority of owners of agricultural land (shares) continue to lease land plots or cultivate them independently, which proves the relevance of the study of the results of the functioning of the market circulation of agricultural land.
Purpose – to investigate the organizational and economic features of the market circulation of agricultural land in the conditions of the knowledge economy.
Results. It has been proven that the location of the land plot was, is and will be the main factor in the land market. It is the distance from populated areas that has a significant impact on demand, price and the general trend of the market circulation of agricultural land. A trend has been identified to increase the share of land purchase and sale agreements outside populated areas in the regions of eastern Ukraine. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that these regions have been affected by hostilities or are partially under occupation. In the structure of agreements for the purchase and sale of agricultural land in such regions of Ukraine as Donetsk, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, and Sumy, the share of agreements regarding land outside populated areas is more than 90%.
Originality. The scientific novelty of the obtained research results consists in the development of theoretical provisions, methodological and scientific and practical recommendations for the systematization of organizational and economic features of the market circulation of agricultural land in the conditions of the knowledge economy.
Conclusion. The data obtained from the study of alienated areas of agricultural land under agreements in the cross-section of regions, which maintain the general trend of a small share of purchase and sale agreements in the overall structure. A study of the structure of agreements for the purchase and sale of agricultural land in Ukraine, the ownership rights of which were alienated through the purchase and sale, showed that the vast majority of such agreements are concluded on land located outside the settlement - 79%. In turn, 19% of land purchase and sale agreements were concluded on land located within villages and settlements. The share of land purchase and sale agreements within cities amounted to only 2%. This trend is followed at the level of regions with features related to military operations.
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