Main Article Content
Introduction. Provision of interaction and coordination of staff work plays an important role in increasing the efficiency of management of any subject of entrepreneurship. The variability of modern environment creates a trend for constant growth of the human factor in ensuring the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprise. The formation of optimal system of employee motivation, in particular, the involvement of appropriate tools, is one of the key factors in ensuring the uninterrupted development of enterprise. The relevance of the study is caused by the growing importance of employee motivation system in general structure of enterprise management.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the employee motivation tools using in enterprise management at current stage of national economy development.
Methods. There are used the following methods of scientific research: generalization (in studying the interpretation of «work motivation» category) and systematicity (in characterizing the main tools of motivation).
Results. The article is devoted to employee motivation tools in business management in conditions of crisis phenomena worsening in economy of Ukraine. There is carried out grouping of motivation tools, which form prerequisites for stimulating employee motivation processes within the main management functions. The importance of focusing on an individual approach and taking into account the unique needs of each employee in the process of choosing motivation tools is emphasized. The main motivational tools effective for stimulating the work of certain categories of employees and relevant for use at the current stage of the national economy development are characterized.
Originality. For grouping the motivational tools there was proposed to use a functional approach in the context of enterprise management. It will ensure the effectiveness of motivation tools in the future. There was determined that the main role of motivational mechanism belongs to the motivational tools that stimulate the employee efficiency and create a sense of satisfaction with joint work.
Conclusion. The dynamic development of information technologies causes changes in staff management, in particular, new tools of employee motivation appear. Employee motivation should be used comprehensively and systematically. Therefore, the management of many enterprises solves the problem of improving the employee motivation system, choosing more appropriate motivation tools.
Article Details
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