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Introduction. Farming is a peculiar form of territorial organization of agricultural production, a peculiar type of rural settlement, in which the land area and the farmer's estate are organically and compactly combined with farm and residential buildings, equipment and inventory. Its purpose is to provide the family with food, develop local food markets, and create a middle class in the village. The importance of marketing in the development of farms is actualized primarily by intensifying competition, deepening structural disproportions in production and demand, and the constant need of market actors to find solutions aimed at reducing risks. And therefore there is a need to develop and implement effective marketing strategies for the development of farming and the formation of its production and commercial potential.

The purpose of article is to research is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations and develop practical recommendations for the formation of a marketing strategy of farms aimed at improving the efficiency of their functioning.

Results. The article researches the theoretical foundations of innovation marketing. The main directions of development of farms in terms of improving their marketing activities aimed at increasing the efficiency of functioning are determined. Based on the generalisation of scientific materials of the research, the following scientific and practical results are proposed. The factors of the marketing environment are analysed. The methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the marketing activities of farms has been developed, which ensures its objectivity, reliability and timeliness. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the methodology of knowledge, which is based on a systematic approach, the principle of complexity and consistency in the knowledge of economic phenomena and processes. Using the abstract and logical method, theoretical generalisations were made and conclusions and proposals were formed. When determining the level of influence of various factors on the economic efficiency of farms, including specialisation and diversification, gross output, the value of basic production funds, and marketable products.

Conclusions. As a result of research, it was established that the main methodological component of the management functions of marketing information and the main principle of its activity is a systematic approach. It directs the manager to a systemic vision of reality and examines the object of management from the standpoint of its system structure. The creation and implementation of the subsystem of agricultural marketing information is one of the main stages of the development of the marketing system and should be based on the application of modern information technologies, information provision and communication networks. It has been determined that the most important tool for preserving and a means of strengthening the market position of enterprise is the implementation of an effective communication policy, the main element of which is marketing communications. There are two main blocks of marketing communications tools: basic and synthetic. The creation and implementation a subsystem of agromarketing information (SAMI) is one of the main stages of the development a marketing system and should be based on the use of modern information technologies, information support and communication networks.

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