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Viktoriia OPALKO


Introduction. Intermediation in trade is an integral component of modern international commerce. International experience in the functioning of various large, medium, and small industrial and commercial structures attests to the effectiveness of utilizing intermediaries, who establish connections between producers, exporters, and importers, compared to the direct creation of a distribution network by the producer.

Purpose. Systematization and generalization of the essence of trade and brokerage activities of firms and the development of recommendations for the improvement of trade brokerage.

Results. This work systematizes the main forms of trade intermediation in global markets. It examines the subjects of trade intermediation, among which categories such as wholesalers, retailers, franchisors, trade agents, distributors, drop shippers, etc., are highlighted. Modern types of trade intermediation are presented: e-commerce, marketplaces, online platformselectronic trading platforms, technological systems. Examples of effective intermediation, such as Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Export Genius, and others, are considered. A SWOT analysis (assessment of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of trade intermediation in international markets is conducted.

Originality. Key innovations and examples of their implementation in trade and intermediary activity on the world market have been developed.

Conclusion.  To enhance trade intermediation, the use of the filtration method and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain, as well as the implementation of online platforms for trading goods and services, hybrid business models are proposed.

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