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The impact of human capital and personnel potential on the state of personnel and financial and economic security of critical infrastructure facilities is as follows. Qualitative characteristics of human capital that form the personnel resource of critical infrastructure enterprises, such as business activity, initiative, professional behaviour and business ethics, discipline, time management, self-development, self-management, lifelong learning, the level of soft skills and hard skills, their application in professional activity, age, economic expectations, level of education, physical training, stress resistance, state of health, level of qualification, experience and competence can have both positive and negative consequences for the state of their personnel security, as well as for the final result for the state of financial and economic security. The main threats to the state of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects, which are formed by the behaviour of their personnel, are outlined. Taking into account the experience of various market participants, a number of significant difficulties and shortcomings have been identified, which already affect, or which in the future may affect the state of financial and economic security of critical infrastructure objects, and which are related to the state of their human resource and its quality characteristics. The impact of human capital and personnel potential on the state of personnel and financial and economic security of critical infrastructure facilities is specified.

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