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Oleksandr YATSENKO
Nataliia BUTKO


Introduction. In today's business environment, the role of strategic marketing planning cannot be underestimated. As markets continue to evolve, become more competitive, and consumer preferences change dynamically, businesses must not only anticipate these changes, but also formulate strategies to adapt, grow, and prosper. The confluence of globalisation and digitalisation requires an even more thorough approach to marketing planning.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to explore the complexities of strategic planning in marketing, clarifying the consistent path from the inception of the company's goal to its effective implementation. The main method used in the study was an analysis of existing strategic planning methods with their focus on the market development of business structures.

Results. At its core, strategic planning is about making decisions. Every decision, whether it is product design, pricing, promotion or placement, is based on the strategic intentions set by the organisation. Therefore, the depth, clarity and accuracy of these decisions directly affect the effectiveness of those decisions.

Originality. At the heart of the discourse is the justification for the need to move from goal setting to strategy formulation. The study emphasises the need for SMART goals – specific, measurable, achievable, specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. In the face of rapidly changing market conditions, it emphasises the importance of continuous monitoring based on real-time KPIs and repeatable strategies.

Conclusion. In conclusion, strategic marketing is viewed not as a static event, but as a dynamic, constantly evolving process that encourages companies to use adaptability and foresight in their strategic initiatives. In an era characterised by rapid technological advancement and changing consumer behaviour, businesses cannot afford to be static or regressive. The key to sustainable success lies in the ability to not only develop but also recalibrate strategies in response to these changes.

In addition, the human element is inherent in everything from the stakeholders who develop strategies to the teams that implement them and the customers they seek to engage. Ensuring alignment, fostering collaboration, and keeping a close eye on customer needs is crucial. Strategic planning in marketing, from setting the company's goals to their careful implementation, is not just a recommended approach - it is a necessity. Companies that recognise and utilise its potential can position themselves to achieve sustainable success in the business environment.

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