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Oleksandr YAKUSHEV


The main task of the subjects of the supply chain today is to transform logistics chains in such a way that the participants of cooperation will cease to feel the shortcomings of the forms of organization of their activities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to deepen the existing and develop new organizational and management proposals for improving the integration processes of the logistics chain in the company's activities. To achieve the goal, such general scientific research methods as analysis and synthesis, marketing analysis, comparison, classification, systematic approach, structural-logical generalization were used. As a result of the research it was found that one of the most noticeable trends in global markets recently is the need to integrate logistics operations and control the entire logistics system (production, supply, distribution), as well as to establish relationships between the customer company and the logistics service provider. The article proves that the existence of partnership interaction is possible only when the corresponding agreed relations are established in the logistics chain, as well as when certain conditions of interaction are met. It was determined that regardless of the content of logistics chain management processes, their essence boils down to the optimization of transaction costs when organizing supplies, and the competitiveness of enterprises in the consumer goods market depends on this today.

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